Sushi Sauce Recipe (Easy And Quick Recipe)

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I advise trying my homemade Sushi Sauce Recipe . It’s perfect for enhancing your sushi experience. You only need simple ingredients: soy sauce, rice vinegar, sugar, and a hint of sesame oil. Research shows these flavors complement sushi exceptionally well. At the same time, this sauce is versatile and ideal for dipping or drizzling. Try adding a touch of wasabi for an extra kick. It’s one of the best things you can do for your sushi!

Welcome to the world of delightful flavors, where I share my unique Sushi Sauce Recipe, a creation born from my culinary adventures. 

Imagine you’re in a bustling Middle Eastern market, the aromas tantalizing your senses, or you’re savoring an exquisite sushi roll in a quaint European bistro. It’s these experiences that inspired me. 

Sushi Sauce Recipe

You’re at home, your sushi lacks that restaurant-quality zest, and your taste buds crave more. Here’s where my journey comes into play. 

On a friend’s recommendation, I experimented with traditional ingredients, adapting them to suit our universal love for sushi. 

The result? A sauce that elevates your homemade sushi, bringing that sought-after gourmet touch right to your dining table. Perfect for family sushi nights or when your kids request something special. 

This recipe isn’t just about mixing ingredients; it’s about bringing a piece of my travels and gourmet experiences into your kitchen. Let’s dive into making your sushi nights unforgettable with this sauce.

What Is Sushi Sauce?

Sushi sauce is a versatile condiment, perfect for enhancing the flavor of sushi. It’s typically a blend of soy sauce, mirin or rice vinegar, sugar, and sometimes a hint of sesame oil. 

This sauce balances sweet, salty, and tangy elements, complementing the delicate taste of sushi rice and fish. Some variations include spicy mayo or eel sauce, adding depth to each bite. 

Whether drizzled over sushi rolls or used as a dipping sauce, sushi sauce is a universal rule in sushi cuisine, elevating the overall dining experience.

History Of Sushi Sauce Recipe

The history of sushi sauce is intertwined with the evolution of sushi itself. Sushi, originating in Japan, initially used fermented rice for preserving fish. 

The need for complementary sauces emerged as sushi evolved into its modern form. It’s believed that sushi chefs, aiming to enhance the flavor of fresh fish and rice, created these sauces. 

While there’s no single inventor, it’s a testament to the collective culinary creativity of Japanese chefs. Over time, these sauces adapted, integrating ingredients like soy sauce and mirin, reflecting local tastes and available ingredients. Today, sushi sauce is a global phenomenon, an essential part of the sushi experience.

Interesting Facts About Sushi Sauce Recipe

Sushi sauce is a fascinating condiment with a diverse global presence. Here are some interesting facts about sushi sauce:

Global Variations

Sushi sauce isn’t just a Japanese innovation. Around the world, chefs have added their local twists, incorporating ingredients like chili, local honey, or even fruit purees.

Health Benefits

Many sushi sauces contain ingredients like ginger or garlic, known for their health benefits, including anti-inflammatory properties and aiding digestion.

Culinary Fusion

Sushi sauce has become a symbol of culinary fusion, often blended with other cuisine elements, like incorporating Mexican chipotle or Italian balsamic vinegar.

Ancient Ingredients, Modern Twist

Traditional ingredients like soy sauce and rice vinegar have been used in Japan for centuries, yet they continue to inspire modern, innovative sauce recipes.

Artisanal Craft

Some sushi chefs regard sauce-making as an art, meticulously balancing flavors to create signature sauces, elevating their sushi to gourmet status.

Sustainability Efforts

With a growing focus on sustainability, many sushi sauce recipes now emphasize organic and locally sourced ingredients.


What Are The Regional Adaptations Of This Sauce?

  • Japan: The birthplace of sushi, the sauce often remains traditional, focusing on a simple blend of soy sauce, mirin, and sometimes a dash of wasabi.
  • United States: American adaptations sometimes include creamier textures, with additions like mayonnaise or cream cheese, catering to local tastes.
  • Southeast Asia: In this region, there’s a tendency to add a spicy kick with ingredients like sriracha or local chili sauces.
  • Europe: European versions often include a fusion touch, incorporating ingredients like olive oil or herbs, reflecting the continental palate.
  • Latin America: Here, the sushi sauce might have a tangy twist, including lime juice or cilantro, blending Japanese tradition with Latin flavors.

What Will Make You Love This Sushi Sauce?

  • Flavor Diversity: The sauce offers a harmonious blend of sweet, salty, and umami flavors, creating a perfect complement to the delicate taste of sushi.
  • Versatility: It’s not just for sushi! This sauce can enhance other dishes like grilled fish, stir-fries, or salads, making it a multi-purpose condiment.
  • Easy to Customize: You can easily tweak the recipe to suit your taste, whether you prefer it sweeter, spicier, or tangy.
  • Healthier Option: Homemade sushi sauce can be a healthier alternative to store-bought versions, free from preservatives and artificial additives.
  • Culinary Adventure: It’s a gateway to exploring Japanese cuisine, encouraging you to try new flavors and cooking techniques.
  • Perfect for Entertaining: Impress your guests with a homemade sauce that elevates the dining experience, making your sushi nights more special.
  • Kid-Friendly: With its balanced flavors, the sauce is often a hit with children, making introducing them to diverse cuisines easier.
  • Sense of Achievement: There’s something satisfying about creating your own sauce from scratch, adding a personal touch to your meals.
Bowl and Spoon

Ingredients List

Mayonnaise1/2 cup (use vegan mayo for a vegan version)
Sriracha Sauce2 tablespoons
Toasted Sesame Oil1/4 teaspoon

Ingredient Tips

  • Choosing Mayonnaise: Opt for a high-quality mayonnaise for a creamier texture. If you’re vegan, there are excellent plant-based mayos that don’t compromise texture or taste.
  • Sriracha Sauce Variations: Sriracha varies in heat level by brand. Start with a little and adjust according to your spice tolerance.
  • Quality of Sesame Oil: Use toasted sesame oil for its rich, nutty flavor. A little goes a long way, so use sparingly.
  • Consistency Adjustments: If you prefer a thinner sauce, consider adding a small amount of water or lemon juice.
  • Storage Options: This sauce can be stored in the refrigerator. Use an airtight container to maintain freshness.
  • Enhance with Extras: Consider adding a pinch of sugar or a squeeze of lime for added depth.
  • Allergy Alternatives: For those with soy allergies, soy-free mayo options work well in this recipe.
  • Experiment with Add-ins: Add minced garlic or ginger for an extra flavor boost.
  • Balance the Flavors: If the sauce is too spicy, balance it with a bit more mayo; if it’s too mild, add a bit more sriracha.
  • Freshness Matters: Ensure your ingredients, especially the mayo and sesame oil, are fresh for the best flavor profile.

What Are The Variations Of Sushi Sauce Recipe?

  • Spicy Mayo: A popular choice, blending mayonnaise with sriracha or other hot sauces for a creamy yet fiery kick.
  • Eel Sauce (Unagi Sauce): A sweet and savory sauce made with soy sauce, mirin, and sugar, perfect for drizzling over sushi rolls.
  • Ponzu Sauce: A citrus-infused soy sauce, often mixed with lemon or lime juice and a dash of vinegar for a tangy flavor.
  • Teriyaki Sauce: A thicker, glaze-like sauce combining soy sauce, mirin, and sugar, ideal for sushi rolls with cooked ingredients.
  • Wasabi Sauce: Incorporating wasabi paste into mayo or soy sauce for a sharp, pungent flavor.
  • Ginger Sauce: A zesty sauce made with grated ginger, soy sauce, and vinegar, offering a fresh, sharp taste.
  • Soy-Mirin Sauce: A simpler sauce combining soy sauce and mirin for a sweet and salty flavor.
  • Creamy Avocado Sauce: A blend of avocado, mayonnaise, and lime juice for a smooth, rich texture.
  • Sesame Ginger Sauce: A combination of sesame oil, ginger, soy sauce, and a hint of sweetness, perfect for adding depth to sushi.
  • Tofu Aioli: A vegan alternative, using silken tofu blended with garlic, lemon juice, and a bit of mustard.

Recipe Directions

Cooking Method

  • Combine 1/2 cup mayonnaise, 2 tablespoons of sriracha sauce, and 1/4 teaspoon of toasted sesame oil in a medium-sized bowl.
  • Whisk the ingredients together until they are well blended and the sauce achieves a smooth consistency.

Additional Tips

  • For a sweeter variation, add a touch of agave syrup or honey. Start with a teaspoon, taste, and adjust according to your preference.
  • The sauce is immediately ready to use. It’s perfect for sushi but also versatile enough for other dishes like salads, sandwiches, or as a dip.
  • Store any leftovers in an airtight container in the refrigerator for up to a week.

Sushi sauce recipes that make your meal better and tastier—ideal for sushi lovers everywhere.

Scaling The Recipe

  • Scaling the sushi sauce recipe is straightforward. To increase the quantity, simply double or triple the ingredients. Use 1 cup mayonnaise, 4 tablespoons sriracha, and 1/2 teaspoon toasted sesame oil for a larger batch. Conversely, to make a smaller amount, halve the ingredients: 1/4 cup mayonnaise, 1 tablespoon sriracha, and a pinch of sesame oil.
  • It’s crucial to maintain the ratio to keep the flavor balanced. Adjustments can be made after tasting. Whether catering to a large group or just needing a small amount for personal use, scaling this recipe is easy and flexible.
Sushi Sauce Recipe

Can This Sauce Be Used As A Marinade, Dipping Sauce, Or Dressing For Salads?

Absolutely, this sushi sauce is remarkably versatile. As a marinade, it imparts a rich, savory flavor to proteins like chicken, fish, or tofu. 

The balance of spicy sriracha and creamy mayonnaise, with a hint of sesame, makes it perfect for infusing depth into your favorite meats or plant-based alternatives.

It shines with its creamy texture and bold flavors as a dipping sauce, ideal for sushi, dumplings, or even vegetable sticks. 

For salads, it serves as a unique dressing, adding a delightful twist to traditional greens. Its creamy consistency and robust flavor profile can elevate a simple salad to a gourmet level.

What Are The Best Dishes To Accompany Sushi Sauce Recipe?

Classic Sushi Rolls

Enhance the flavor of various sushi rolls, from California rolls to spicy tuna rolls, with this sauce.


Drizzle the sauce over fresh sashimi slices for an added flavor kick.

Tempura Vegetables And Seafood

Use the sauce as a dipping accompaniment for crispy tempura.

Rice Bowls (Donburi)

A great topping for rice bowls featuring fish, vegetables, or chicken.

Steamed Or Grilled Vegetables

The sauce adds a flavorful twist to steamed or grilled veggies.

Noodle Dishes

Elevate noodle dishes like yakisoba or udon with a drizzle of this savory sauce.

Chicken Wings

A unique alternative to traditional wing sauces.

Fried Rice

Mix into fried rice for an extra layer of flavor.

Asian-Inspired Salads

Use as a dressing for salads with an Asian twist.

Tofu Dishes

Great for marinating or topping grilled or baked tofu.

Sushi Sauce Recipe

What Are Some Classic Dishes That Feature Sushi Sauce Recipe?

  • Spicy Tuna Rolls: A sushi classic, often enhanced with a spicy mayo sushi sauce for that signature kick.
  • Dragon Rolls: Frequently topped or drizzled with a sweet, savory eel sauce variant.
  • Tempura Sushi Rolls: Often served with a dipping side of creamy sushi sauce, complementing the crispy tempura.
  • Volcano Rolls: Known for their spicy sauce topping, a perfect blend of heat and creaminess.
  • Sushi Burritos: These larger rolls are enhanced with sushi sauce, adding flavor to every bite.
  • Crispy Rice with Spicy Tuna: A modern dish featuring spicy sushi sauce atop crispy rice blocks.
  • Sushi Bowls (Chirashi): Assorted fresh ingredients in a bowl, often dressed with a light, sweet, and tangy sushi sauce.

What Are The Key Flavor Profiles And Taste Sensations That Sushi Sauce Recipe Offers?

  • Umami: The deep, savory taste of soy sauce and sesame oil is quintessential to many Asian cuisines.
  • Sweetness: A subtle sweetness that balances the sauce’s savory elements, often from mirin or sugar.
  • Spiciness: Provided by sriracha or wasabi, adding a warming, spicy sensation.
  • Creaminess: From mayonnaise, lending a smooth and rich texture to the sauce.
  • Tanginess: A slight acidic kick from ingredients like rice vinegar enhances the sauce’s complexity.
  • Nutty Undertones: Toasted sesame oil contributes a nutty, aromatic flavor, adding depth to the sauce.
  • Saltiness: A fundamental aspect of soy sauce, integral to the sauce’s flavor profile.
Jar and Spoon

Can This Sauce Be Stored And Preserved For Future Use? What Is Its Shelf Life?

Yes, this sushi sauce can be stored and preserved for future use. Store the sauce in an airtight container in the refrigerator to ensure its freshness and maintain its quality. 

Properly stored, the sauce typically has a shelf life of about 1 week. The key preservation factor is ensuring the container is tightly sealed and kept cool. 

It’s also essential to use fresh ingredients, particularly in mayonnaise, as this affects the overall shelf life. Always check for any signs of spoilage, like an off smell or color change, before using the stored sauce.

What Are The Substitutes For Sushi Sauce Recipe?

  • Tamari: A gluten-free alternative to soy sauce, offering a similar umami flavor.
  • Hoisin Sauce: Sweeter and thicker, hoisin can be used for a different flavor profile.
  • Oyster Sauce: Provides a sweet and savory taste, though it’s thicker in consistency.
  • Sweet Chili Sauce: Offers a balance of sweetness and heat, suitable for those preferring less spiciness.
  • Ponzu Sauce: Citrus-infused, it’s a lighter substitute that brings tanginess.
  • Teriyaki Sauce: A good alternative for a sweeter and thicker sauce.
  • Yogurt-Based Sauces: For a healthier, creamy option, especially with added spices or herbs.
  • Vinaigrettes: A light and tangy option, especially when infused with Asian flavors like sesame or ginger.
  • Mustard Sauces: They can add a sharp and pungent flavor, ideal for those who enjoy a bit of a kick.
  • Homemade Aioli: Infuse garlic aioli with a bit of lemon and soy for a creamy yet tangy sauce.
Sushi Sauce Recipe

How To Adjust The Consistency Of The Sauce?

  • To Thicken: If the sauce is too runny, thicken it by adding some mayonnaise. This will increase the creaminess without significantly altering the flavor.
  • To Thin Out: If the sauce is too thick, thin it by adding a small amount of water, lemon juice, or even a bit of soy sauce. This will lighten the consistency without diluting the flavor too much.
  • Balancing Flavors: When adjusting the consistency, consider the balance of flavors. Adding more of any ingredient will change the thickness and taste, so adjust accordingly and taste as you go.

Should We Serve The Sauce Cold Or Warm?

The sushi sauce is typically served cold or at room temperature. Serving it cold highlights its creamy texture and preserves the distinct flavors of the ingredients like mayonnaise and sriracha. 

This temperature is especially ideal for cold dishes like sushi or salads. If the sauce has been refrigerated, allowing it to sit at room temperature for a few minutes before serving can enhance its flavor and consistency. 

It’s not common to warm this sauce, as heat can alter the texture of mayonnaise and diminish the intended flavor profile. Cold or room temperature serving ensures the sauce complements the dishes it accompanies perfectly.

Sushi Sauce Recipe

Nutritional Values

This sushi sauce is relatively high in calories and fat, primarily due to the mayonnaise base. It offers minimal protein, carbohydrates, and fiber. 

The sriracha adds a bit of sodium, while the sesame oil contributes healthy fats. It’s a flavorful addition to meals but best enjoyed in moderation due to its caloric density.

What Are The Total Calories In Sushi Sauce Recipe?

The entire recipe amounts to approximately 820-830 calories. This calculation is an estimate and can vary based on the specific brands and types of ingredients used.

Sushi Sauce Recipe

Make sushi tastier with homemade sauces that bring out the best flavors in every bite.

Dietary Restrictions Of The Sushi Sauce Recipe

  • Vegan/Vegetarian: The standard recipe uses mayonnaise, which is egg-based. Use vegan mayo for a vegan-friendly version.
  • Gluten Sensitivity: Regular soy sauce contains gluten. Opt for a gluten-free soy sauce or tamari.
  • Nut Allergies: While the sauce doesn’t typically contain nuts, check the sesame oil for cross-contamination warnings if you’re allergic to nuts.
  • Soy Allergy: Soy sauce is a primary ingredient. Consider soy-free alternatives or omit them entirely.
  • Dairy Allergies: Traditional sushi sauce is dairy-free.
  • Low-Calorie Diets: The mayonnaise base is high in calories. For a lighter version, consider using low-calorie or fat-free mayonnaise.
  • Low-Sodium Diets: Soy sauce is high in sodium. Use a low-sodium version or reduce the quantity to suit dietary needs.

Nutrition Table

Nutrition Table

What Are The Common Mistakes While Making This Sauce?

  • Overdoing the Sriracha: Adding too much sriracha can overpower the other flavors and make the sauce excessively spicy.
  • Not Balancing Flavors: Failing to balance the sweet, savory, and spicy elements can result in a sauce that lacks complexity or is one-dimensional.
  • Using Low-Quality Ingredients: The taste of the sauce heavily depends on the quality of mayonnaise, sriracha, and sesame oil used.
  • Incorrect Proportions: Disproportionate ingredients can reduce the desired consistency and taste.
  • Skipping the Sesame Oil: Omitting or substituting sesame oil can significantly alter the authentic flavor of the sauce.
  • Not Adjusting to Personal Preference: Not tasting and adjusting the sauce as per personal preference for sweetness, spiciness, or tanginess.
  • Improper Storage: Storing the sauce in a non-airtight container or at improper temperatures can affect its freshness and longevity.
  • Not Allowing Flavors to Blend: Not giving the sauce enough time to sit and let the flavors meld together can produce a less flavorful sauce.

What Are Some Creative Uses Of Leftover Sauce?

  • Salad Dressing: Give a zesty twist to your salads by using the sauce as a unique dressing.
  • Marinade for Meats or Tofu: Marinate chicken, beef, fish, or tofu in the sauce for added flavor.
  • Sandwich Spread: Elevate sandwiches or wraps with a flavorful spread.
  • Vegetable Dip: Perfect as a dip for raw or grilled vegetables.
  • Stir-Fry Addition: Add to stir-fries for a quick flavor boost.
  • Rice or Noodle Flavoring: Mix into cooked rice or noodles for an easy and tasty dish.
  • Glaze for Grilled Foods: Use as a glaze for grilling seafood or vegetables.
  • Sauce for Tacos or Quesadillas: A creative fusion twist for Mexican dishes.
  • Pizza Topping: Drizzle over pizza for a spicy kick.
  • Burger Condiment: Spread on burgers or sliders for an extra layer of flavor.

Special Tools & Equipment Needed

  • Whisk: Essential for mixing the ingredients thoroughly to achieve a smooth, even consistency.
  • Mixing Bowl: A medium-sized bowl is ideal for combining the ingredients.
  • Measuring Spoons and Cups: For accurate measurement of ingredients, ensuring the right balance of flavors.
  • Airtight Container: Needed for storing the sauce to preserve its freshness.
  • Spatula or Spoon: Useful for mixing and transferring the sauce.
  • Fine Mesh Strainer: If desired, ensure a completely smooth texture by removing any lumps.
  • Refrigerator: Essential for storing the sauce, especially if preparing in advance or keeping leftovers.
  • Small Saucepan (Optional): If you prefer to slightly warm the sauce or if integrating additional ingredients that require heating.
  • Garlic Press (Optional): If adding fresh garlic for extra flavor.
  • Citrus Juicer (Optional): Useful if adding fresh lemon or lime juice to the sauce.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I Make This Sauce Less/More Spicy?

Yes, the sauce’s spiciness can be easily adjusted by altering the amount of sriracha sauce. For less heat, reduce the sriracha, and for more heat, increase it. Start with minor adjustments, taste, and then decide if you need more.

Is This Sushi Sauce Suitable For Vegans?

The sauce can be made vegan using vegan mayonnaise instead of regular. The other ingredients, sriracha, and sesame oil are typically vegan-friendly.

How Long Can This Sauce Be Stored?

This sushi sauce can last up to a week and is stored in an airtight container in the refrigerator. The freshness of the ingredients, especially the mayonnaise, is a key factor in determining its shelf life.

Can This Sauce Be Used As A Marinade?

Absolutely, this sauce makes an excellent marinade for meats, fish, or tofu. Its creamy texture and rich flavor profile can infuse a delightful taste into the protein.

Are There Any Healthier Alternatives To Mayonnaise In This Recipe?

For a healthier option, you can use low-fat or fat-free mayonnaise. There are alternatives like Greek yogurt or avocado puree, but these will alter the sauce’s flavor and texture.

Sushi Sauce Recipe (Easy And Quick Recipe)

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This Sushi Sauce is a creamy and spicy condiment, blending the rich flavors of mayonnaise, the heat of sriracha, and the subtle aroma of toasted sesame oil. It’s perfect for adding a flavorful kick to sushi rolls. Still, its versatility extends to being a great dip, marinade, or dressing. The balance of creaminess and spice makes it a favorite for enhancing various dishes.


  • 1/2 cup 1/2 Mayonnaise

  • 2 tablespoons 2 Sriracha Sauce

  • 1/4 teaspoon 1/4 Toasted Sesame Oil

Step-By-Step Directions

  • Gather Ingredients: Collect 1/2 cup mayonnaise, 2 tablespoons sriracha sauce, and 1/4 teaspoon toasted sesame oil.
  • Prepare Mixing Bowl: Choose a medium-sized bowl for mixing your sauce.
  • Combine Ingredients: Add the mayonnaise, sriracha sauce, and toasted sesame oil into the bowl.
  • Mix Thoroughly: Use a whisk to blend all the ingredients until the mixture is smooth and consistent in color.
  • Adjust Flavor (Optional): Add a touch of agave syrup or honey for a sweeter version. Start with a small amount, mix, and taste. Adjust as per your preference.
  • Store Or Serve: The sauce is now ready to use. It can be served immediately with sushi or other dishes. Alternatively, store it in an airtight container in the refrigerator.
  • Enjoy: Use this sauce with sushi, as a dip, as a salad dressing, or in any other creative way you can think of.

Recipe Video


  • Customizable Heat: Adjust the sriracha amount to tailor the spiciness to your liking.
  • Vegan Friendly: Use vegan mayonnaise for a plant-based version.
  • Storage: Keep refrigerated in an airtight container that lasts up to a week.
  • Serving Suggestion: Best served cold or at room temperature.
  • Flavor Enhancer: Consider adding a touch of honey or agave syrup for a sweet twist.
  • Allergen Info: Be mindful of soy and egg allergies due to mayonnaise and soy sauce.

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Welcome, fellow flavor enthusiasts to the world of Sauce Chick, where every flavor tells a tale of creativity, passion, and the harmonious fusion of spices and sauces.

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