15-Minutes Mexican Mole Sauce Recipe (Authentic And Healthy)

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Mexican Mole Sauce Recipe , a cherished gem in culinary culture, captivates with its blend of chilies, spices, and chocolate, delivering rich, complex flavors. A must-have for traditional dishes, it elevates any meal. Try it with chicken or turkey for a classic match. To savor an authentic taste of Mexico, use genuine ingredients and prepare with care.

Navigating through a bustling market in the heart of Marrakech, I stumbled upon a vibrant spice stall that reminded me of the rich flavors of Mexican mole sauce. Traveling from the spice-rich Middle-Eastern countries to the aromatic kitchens of Europe, I’ve tasted numerous sauces. 

Mexican Mole Sauce Recipe

Still, nothing captures the heart quite like the deep complexity of a mole. On a recent trip to Spain, a friend served mole with a twist in her Madrid restaurant, reigniting my appreciation for this blend. You might ask, “What sets mole apart from other sauces?” 

The challenge is that many struggle to replicate its authentic taste. If you’re keen to introduce this taste sensation to your kitchen, I would recommend taking the right steps to source genuine ingredients. 

By doing so, you will ensure that the next time your kids request it, or friends come over, you serve them the genuine richness of Mexican mole, transporting their taste buds straight to its origin.

What Is Mexican Mole Sauce Recipe?

Mexican Mole Sauce Recipe is a traditional and rich concoction, blending chilies, spices, and often chocolate. Originating in Mexico, it’s one of the country’s signature dishes. You might have encountered its deep, savory, and slightly sweet flavor in various dishes. 

It commonly graces chicken or turkey but can also complement other meats. Preparing mole demands patience and genuine ingredients for the best results. If you’re interested in authentic Mexican cuisine, you’ll want to familiarize yourself with this sauce. 

History Of Mexican Mole Sauce Recipe

Mexican mole sauce recipe has deep roots in Mexico’s culinary and cultural tapestry. Legends attribute its invention to two primary sources. 

One tale speaks of nuns from Puebla creating the sauce unexpectedly for an archbishop’s visit, combining available ingredients into a rich sauce served over turkey. 

Another story credits the Aztecs, where the mole was a dish specifically for royalty. While its exact origin remains debated, it’s generally agreed upon that mole is a fusion of indigenous and European influences. 

Interesting Facts About Mexican Mole Sauce Recipe

Mexican Mole Sauce Recipe is a complex, aromatic masterpiece, blending chilies, chocolate, and spices. This rich, deep sauce boasts layers of flavor, from smoky to sweet, enlivening dishes with its unique, culturally rich profile. Ideal for chicken or enchiladas

Varieties Abound

There are more than seven types of mole, with Puebla and Oaxaca being the most renowned regions for their versions.

Chocolate’s Role

Not all moles contain chocolate, but when they do, it’s used to counteract the heat of the chilies and add depth.

Cooking Time

Traditional mole can take hours, even days, to prepare due to its intricate layering of flavors.

Ingredients Galore

Some mole recipes call for over 30 ingredients!

Ceremonial Significance

Mole is commonly served during special occasions and celebrations like weddings, birthdays, and national holidays.

Noble Roots

It’s believed that the ancient Aztecs served mole to their gods during religious ceremonies.

International Appeal

Today, mole’s influence extends beyond Mexico, finding fans and variations worldwide. You might find it in gourmet restaurants or fusion dishes globally.


What Are The Regional Adaptations Of This Sauce? 

Mexican mole sauce recipe has various regional adaptations, reflecting the diverse culinary tapestry of Mexico. 

The mole poblano boasts a deep, rich flavor in Puebla, often using chocolate. Oaxaca, dubbed the “Land of the Seven Moles,” offers a range, with mole negro being the most celebrated. 

Tlaxcala and Morelos have lighter mole variants, often with a green hue. In Guerrero, you’ll find mole rojo with a pronounced chili kick. 

The state of Michoacán is known for its mole prieto. Each region uses ingredients commonly found in its locales, ensuring every adaptation maintains a unique taste and texture.

What Will Make You Love This Mexican Mole Sauce?

The allure of Mexican mole sauce lies in its rich tapestry of flavors. Suppose you’ve an appreciation for depth in a dish. 

In that case, mole’s intricate blend of chilies, spices, and sometimes chocolate will captivate your palate. 

Its versatility is another charm; whether drizzling it over meats or using it as a base for other dishes, mole elevates the taste. 

The stories and traditions encapsulated in this sauce add layers of appreciation. If you’ve visited regional Mexican restaurants or experienced a friend’s home-cooked meal with mole, you’ll understand its sentimental value. 

And the best part? Every time you taste mole, you might find a new nuance, a fresh note you hadn’t identified before. This dynamic flavor profile makes one fall in love with mole repeatedly.


Ingredients List

Vegetable oil2 teaspoons
Finely chopped onion1/4 cup
Unsweetened cocoa powder1 tablespoon
Ground cumin1 teaspoon
Dried cilantro1 teaspoon
Dried minced garlic1/8 tablespoon
Condensed tomato soup1 (10.75 ounce) can
Diced green chile peppers1 (4 ounce) can

Ingredient Tips 

  • Vegetable Oil: Opt for a high-quality, non-GMO oil for a healthier choice.
  • Onion: Yellow or white onions are generally preferred for their sweet, mild flavor.
  • Cocoa Powder: Ensure it’s unsweetened to maintain the authentic taste and balance with the spices.
  • Ground Cumin: Freshly grinding cumin seeds can enhance the sauce’s flavor.
  • Dried Cilantro: Use fresh cilantro for a more vibrant taste.
  • Garlic: Fresh minced garlic can be an excellent alternative for a more robust flavor.
  • Tomato Soup: Opt for a brand with fewer preservatives or consider homemade for a richer taste.
  • Green Chile Peppers: Roasting the peppers beforehand can add a smoky depth to your mole.

What Are The Variations Of Mexican Mole Sauce Recipe?

  • Mole Poblano: One of the most famous types, it has a rich chocolatey essence combined with spices and is dark in color.
  • Mole Negro: Originating from Oaxaca, this is a darker, richer version, incorporating multiple chilies and chocolate.
  • Mole Verde: As the name suggests, this green mole uses green chilies and often pumpkin seeds.
  • Mole Amarillo: A yellow mole with medium heat, often featuring ingredients like tomatillos.
  • Mole Coloradito: With a reddish tint, this mole offers a balance of sweet and spicy flavors.
  • Mole Manchamanteles: Translated as “tablecloth stainer,” this mole includes fruits and is slightly sweeter.
  • Mole Rojo: A red mole that’s spicy and robust, it’s commonly used with meats.

Recipe Directions

Cooking Method

  • Starting with Onions: Heat the oil over medium heat in a medium saucepan. Once the oil is warm, add the finely chopped onions. Cook until the onions become tender and translucent. This usually takes about 3-5 minutes.
  • Adding Spices: Once the onions are ready, mix in the cocoa powder, cumin, cilantro, and dried minced garlic. Ensure the ingredients blend well, coating the onions evenly.
  • Incorporate Main Ingredients: Gently stir the condensed tomato soup and the diced green chile peppers. Mix everything well, ensuring a consistent blend.
  • Simmer: Bring the mixture to a boil. As soon as it starts boiling, reduce the heat to low. Cover the saucepan and let the sauce simmer for 10 minutes. This will allow the flavors to meld together, and the sauce slightly thickens.
  • Serving: After simmering, remove the saucepan from heat. Let it rest for about 5 minutes. You can then transfer the mole sauce to a gravy boat for serving or pour it directly over your desired dish.

Discover the soul of Mexican cuisine in our Mole Sauce, a symphony of flavors that brings tradition to your table.

Scaling The Recipe

  • Doubling: If serving a larger group, double each ingredient. However, monitor closely during cooking, as the increased volume might slightly extend the simmering time.
  • Halving: If you need less sauce, halve the quantities of all ingredients. The cooking time, especially for the onion sautéing, will likely reduce slightly.
  • Consistency: Pay attention to the sauce’s thickness when scaling up or down. You might need to adjust the simmering time to achieve the desired consistency.
  • Taste Test: Always taste as you go. When scaling, subtle flavor differences can emerge. Adjust spices accordingly.
Mexican Mole Sauce Recipe

Can This Sauce Be Used As A Marinade, Dipping Sauce, Or Dressing For Salads?

  • Marinade: Its rich and deep flavors make it an excellent marinade for meats, especially chicken and pork. The spices penetrate the meat, giving it an enhanced taste when cooked.
  • Dipping Sauce: Its thick consistency and robust flavor profile make mole a delightful dipping sauce. Pairing with tortilla chips, grilled vegetables, or even bread is excellent.
  • Dressing for Salads: While not commonly used this way, if thinned out a bit, mole can be drizzled over salads. Its unique taste can add an unexpected twist to greens, especially in salads with grilled chicken or roasted vegetables.

What Are The Best Dishes To Accompany Mexican Mole Sauce?


Grilled or roasted chicken and turkey are traditional choices. Pork and beef also benefit from mole’s depth.


Smothering enchiladas in mole provides a delicious twist to the usual red or green sauce.


Mole with chicken or pork-filled tamales creates a hearty meal.


White or Spanish rice drizzled with mole becomes instantly flavorful.


Layering mole over crunchy tostadas with refried beans, lettuce, and cheese is delightful.


Grilled or steamed veggies, especially zucchini or bell peppers, are elevated with a mole touch.


Mole combined with cheese-filled quesadillas introduces a flavorful contrast.


Drizzled over huevos rancheros or scrambled eggs, mole offers a breakfast twist.

Mexican Mole Sauce Recipe

What Are Some Classic Dishes That Feature Mexican Mole Sauce?

  • Mole Poblano: Often dubbed the “national dish” of Mexico, it features chicken or turkey smothered in rich mole sauce.
  • Enmoladas: Similar to enchiladas, these are tortillas filled with chicken or cheese and then covered in mole.
  • Tamales con Mole: Steamed corn dough tamales, typically filled with chicken, generously topped with mole sauce.
  • Mole de Olla: A hearty stew with beef, vegetables, and a spiced mole broth.
  • Chiles Rellenos with Mole: Poblano peppers stuffed with cheese or meat, draped in a mole.
  • Mole and Eggs: A breakfast dish where scrambled or fried eggs are lavished with mole sauce.

What Are The Key Flavor Profiles And Taste Sensations That Mexican Mole Sauce Offers?

  • Spicy: Stemming from various chilies, it offers a warm, balanced, and not overpowering heat.
  • Sweet: Ingredients like chocolate or fruits give it a subtle sweetness, contrasting the spice.
  • Bitter: Dark chocolate or specific chilies introduce a refined bitterness, adding depth.
  • Earthy: Ingredients like cumin, dried chilies, and sometimes even ground seeds or nuts give it a grounding, rustic flavor.
  • Savory: The sauce’s base, often including broths or tomatoes, brings forth a savory umami taste.
  • Fruity: Some moles have raisins, plantains, or other fruits, introducing a fruity undertone.
jar and Spoon

Can This Sauce Be Stored And Preserved For Future Use? What Is Its Shelf Life?

  • Refrigeration: Transfer the sauce to an airtight container after cooling to room temperature. In the refrigerator, it can last for up to a week.
  • Freezing: For more extended storage, portion the mole into freezer-safe bags or containers. It can be stored frozen for up to 6 months. Thaw in the refrigerator before reheating.
  • Reheating: When ready to use, heat on a stove over low-medium heat, stirring occasionally. Add a little broth or water if it’s too thick.

What Are The Substitutes For Mexican Mole Sauce?

  • Enchilada Sauce: Red or green, it can be a base with added chocolate and spices to capture a mole-like essence.
  • Adobo Sauce: It’s spicy and tangy, and when combined with chocolate or cocoa, it can mimic the mole profile.
  • Chili Chocolate Sauce: A blend of dark chocolate and chili peppers, it captures the sweet-spicy balance.
  • Curry Sauce: Though more Indian in flavor, a rich curry with added cocoa can somewhat resemble mole’s depth.
  • Spiced Tomato Sauce: Adding cumin, cinnamon, and cocoa to a tomato sauce can get you close.
  • BBQ Sauce with Cocoa: BBQ sauce’s smoky, sweet nature can be tweaked with cocoa for a mole feel.
Mexican Mole Sauce Recipe

How To Adjust The Consistency Of The Sauce?

  • Thinning Out: If your mole is too thick, gradually add chicken or vegetable broth. Stir continuously until reaching the desired consistency. Water can also be used, but broths add flavor.
  • Thickening: If it’s too runny, you can simmer the sauce longer, allowing it to reduce. Another method involves adding a cornstarch slurry (mixing cornstarch with cold water) and stirring it into the mole.
  • Blending: Sometimes, blending the sauce can help smooth out any lumps and create a more uniform consistency.
  • Taste Check: After adjusting, always taste and season if necessary. Consistency adjustments can sometimes dilute or concentrate the flavor.

Should We Serve The Sauce Cold Or Warm?

Mexican mole sauce is traditionally served warm. Warming the sauce enhances its rich flavors, making it more aromatic and allowing its diverse ingredients to harmonize harmoniously. 

A warm mole sauce helps elevate the dish’s overall temperature and taste when served over meats like chicken or turkey. However, suppose you’re using mole as a salad dressing or a dip for cold appetizers. 

In that case, a room-temperature application might be suitable. It’s not commonly served cold from the refrigerator, as chilling can mute its complex flavors. 

Always remember, depending on the dish you’re preparing, adjust the sauce’s temperature to complement it best.

Mexican Mole Sauce Recipe

Nutritional Values

This mole sauce blends rich ingredients, offering a mix of proteins, healthy fats, vitamins, and minerals. Its cocoa content provides antioxidants, while the chilies and spices contribute to its unique flavor and potential health benefits.

What Are The Total Calories In Mexican Mole Sauce?

The total calories in Mexican mole sauce can vary based on the specific ingredients and the quantities used in the recipe. A standard mole serving (about 1/4 cup) can typically range between 80 to 150 calories. 

Mexican Mole Sauce Recipe

Embark on a flavor adventure with our Mexican Mole Sauce, where ancient spices meet chocolate in an exquisite dance of tastes.

Dietary Restrictions Of The Mexican Mole Sauce

  • Gluten-Free: Most traditional mole recipes are gluten-free unless thickened with a gluten-containing ingredient.
  • Dairy-Free: While some mole variations might use chocolate with milk, many are made with pure cocoa, making them dairy-free.
  • Vegan/Vegetarian: Mole can be vegan and vegetarian-friendly if no animal-based broths are used.
  • Nut-Free: Traditional mole might contain almonds or peanuts. However, nut-free versions can be made.
  • Low-Sodium: The sauce can be adjusted for sodium content by reducing added salt or using low-sodium broths.
  • Low-Sugar: Traditional mole has a subtle sweetness, but sugar levels can be adjusted based on dietary needs.

Nutrition Table

Nutrition Table

What Are The Common Mistakes While Making This Sauce?

  • Rushing the Process: Mole’s depth of flavor comes from letting the ingredients meld over time. Rushing can lead to a less flavorful sauce.
  • Overuse of Chocolate: While chocolate is essential, too much can overpower other flavors. Strive for balance.
  • Improperly Toasting Ingredients: Not properly toasting the chilies, seeds, or spices can result in a lack of depth or a burnt flavor.
  • Not Straining the Sauce: Failing to strain can leave the sauce with an undesirable texture.
  • Using Low-Quality Ingredients: Since mole has a rich, intricate flavor profile, using fresh and high-quality ingredients is crucial.
  • Over/Under Seasoning: Always taste as you cook and adjust the seasoning. Remember, balance is vital.
  • Inconsistent Texture: A good mole should be velvety. Using a blender helps achieve this consistency.
  • Not Adjusting Spice Levels: The sauce can be too spicy or mild, depending on the chilies used. Adjust to your preference.

What Are Some Creative Uses Of Leftover Sauce?

  • Mole Pizza: Spread on pizza dough as a base sauce, top with cheese, and your choice of toppings.
  • Mole Quesadillas: Use as a spread inside quesadillas for a flavorful twist.
  • Mole Hummus: Mix into hummus for a spicy, chocolatey dip.
  • Sandwich Spread: Enhance your sandwich or burger with a smear of mole
  • Mole Fried Rice: Stir into fried rice for a unique flavor profile.
  • Pasta Sauce: Use as a base for a fusion-style pasta dish.
  • Mole Omelette: Drizzle over or fold into omelet or scrambled eggs.
  • Soup Enhancer: Stir into soups or stews for added depth.
Mexican Mole Sauce Recipe

Special Tools & Equipment Needed

  • Mortar and Pestle: Ideal for grinding spices and seeds to release their flavors.
  • Blender or Food Processor: Essential for achieving the sauce’s smooth consistency.
  • Fine Mesh Strainer: Helps in removing any lumps or larger particles to get a silky sauce
  • Heavy-Duty Saucepan: Ensures even heat distribution for slow simmering.
  • Wooden Spoon: Useful for stirring, ensuring the sauce doesn’t stick to the bottom.
  • Spice Grinder: For freshly grinding whole spices, maximizing flavor.
  • Tongs: Useful when toasting chilies on an open flame.
  • Measuring Spoons and Cups: For accurate ingredient quantities.
  • Airtight Containers: For storing leftover sauce.
  • Heat-Resistant Silicone Spatula: Great for scraping the sides of the pan or blender to ensure all the sauce is used.

Frequently Asked Questions 

What Is The Primary Flavor Of Mole Sauce?

Mole sauce offers a complex flavor profile with spicy, sweet, and savory notes. The combination of chilies, chocolate (or cocoa), and spices gives it a unique taste that’s rich and aromatic.

Can I Make A Vegetarian Or Vegan Version Of This Mole Sauce?

Yes, the provided recipe is already vegetarian. Double-check that the cocoa or chocolate used doesn’t contain any dairy products to ensure it’s vegan. Also, ensure that any additional ingredients or variations you add are vegan-friendly.

How Can I Make My Mole Sauce Spicier Or Milder?

The spice level can be adjusted by varying the type and quantity of chilies used. For a spicier mole, add more potent chilies or increase the quantity. Reduce the number of chilies or use milder varieties for a milder version.

Why Is My Mole Sauce Grainy In Texture?

A grainy texture might result from not blending the sauce thoroughly or not straining it through a fine mesh strainer. To achieve a smoother consistency, ensure you blend the sauce well and, if necessary, strain it to remove any residual particles.

How Long Can I Store Leftover Mole Sauce?

Stored in an airtight container, mole sauce can last up to a week in the refrigerator. If you want to keep it longer, consider freezing it in portion-sized containers for up to three months. Always reheat gently on the stove top before serving.

15-Minutes Mexican Mole Sauce Recipe (Authentic And Healthy)

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Course: Sauces


Prep time


Cooking time




Ferment/Rest Time



This Mexican Mole Sauce Recipe is a delightful fusion of rich cocoa, aromatic spices, and zesty chilies, perfect for elevating meats and traditional dishes.


  • 2 teaspoons 2 Vegetable oil

  • 1/4 cup 1/4 Finely chopped Onion

  • 1 tablespoon 1 Unsweetened cocoa powder

  • 1 teaspoon 1 Ground cumin

  • 1 teaspoon 1 Dried cilantro

  • 1/8 tablespoon 1/8 Dried minced garlic

  • 10.75 ounce 10.75 Condensed tomato soup

  • 4 ounce 4 Diced green chile peppers

Step-By-Step Directions

  • Preparation
    Onions: Finely chop the 1/4 cup of onion. Set aside.
    Green Chilies: Set aside the 4-ounce can of diced green chile peppers. Ensure you have all other ingredients measured and ready to go.
  • Cooking
    Sautéing Onions: Heat 2 teaspoons of vegetable oil over medium heat in a heavy-duty saucepan. Once the oil is hot, add the finely chopped onion. Sauté the onions until they turn translucent and tender, which should take about 3-5 minutes.
    Adding Spices: Reduce the heat to low. Mix in the unsweetened cocoa powder, ground cumin, dried cilantro, and dried minced garlic. Stir continuously for about a minute, ensuring the spices don’t burn but are well-toasted for flavor.
    Incorporate Wet Ingredients: Pour the 10.75-ounce can of condensed tomato soup into the saucepan. Stir well. Next, mix the diced green chile peppers until all the ingredients are well combined.
    Simmer: Bring the mixture to a gentle boil, then reduce the heat to its lowest setting. Cover the saucepan and let the sauce simmer for about 10 minutes. This simmering process allows the flavors to meld together beautifully.
    Blending (Optional): If you desire a smoother consistency for your mole sauce, carefully transfer the hot sauce to a blender or food processor. Blend until you achieve a velvety texture. If the sauce is too thick, add a bit of vegetable broth or water to reach the desired consistency.
    Straining (Optional): Strain the sauce through a fine mesh strainer back into the saucepan for an even silkier texture. This step will remove any remaining lumps or larger particles.
  • Serving
    Once cooked and at the desired consistency, transfer the mole sauce to a gravy boat or serving dish. You can also pour it directly over prepared dishes like chicken, turkey, or enchiladas.
  • Storage
    If you have any leftover mole sauce, store it in an airtight container in the refrigerator for up to a week. Before using, reheat gently on the stovetop, stirring occasionally.

Recipe Video


  • Adjust the spice level by choosing milder or hotter chilies.
  • If you prefer a sweeter mole, consider adding a touch of brown sugar.
  • Always taste and adjust the seasoning as you cook.
  • For a smoother sauce, blend after cooking.
  • Store leftovers in an airtight container in the refrigerator for up to a week.

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