Perfect Chimichurri Sauce Recipe (Appetizing And Fresh)

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Chimichurri Sauce Recipe is a vibrant Argentinian gem, bursting with fresh, herbaceous flavors. This zesty green sauce is a symphony of tang and aroma crafted primarily from finely chopped parsley, garlic, vinegar, and oil. Traditionally paired with grilled meats, Chimichurri is the perfect amalgamation of rustic and refined, transforming even the simplest dishes into gourmet experiences with its robust, garlicky kick.

Indulge in the essence of Argentinian cuisine with our Chimichurri Sauce. This versatile condiment elevates grilled meats and vegetables to a new level of flavor. This sauce showcases a vibrant palette of green hues and intricate tastes crafted from fresh herbs, garlic, and tangy vinegar. 

Chimichurri Sauce Recipe

Unlike commercial sauces, our recipe uses only natural ingredients, allowing each component to shine through.

Its bold aroma immediately captures your senses, promising an unforgettable culinary experience. As a marinade or finishing touch, Chimichurri Sauce infuses dishes with zest and complexity. 

Beyond its traditional pairing with steaks, it imparts a unique twist to seafood, poultry, and even pasta. With a blend of straightforward ingredients and an easy preparation method, creating this sauce at home requires minimal effort. 

Yet, the result promises maximum impact. Elevate your cooking and savor the authentic flavors of this Argentinian masterpiece today.

What Is Chimichurri Sauce? 

Chimichurri Sauce is a quintessential Argentinian condiment renowned for its vibrant green color and complex flavors.

This sauce serves as a marinade and a finishing touch for grilled meats comprising fresh parsley, oregano, garlic, vinegar, and olive oil. 

Originating from South America, it has garnered global acclaim for its versatility and robust taste profile.

The blend of herbs delivers freshness, while the garlic and vinegar introduce pungency and tang, respectively. 

The olive oil melds these flavors together, offering a balanced yet intense experience. Enjoy Chimichurri Sauce to elevate many dishes beyond the traditional steak pairing.

History Of Chimichurri Sauce

Chimichurri Sauce traces its roots to Argentina and Uruguay, becoming a staple in South American cuisine.

The name “Chimichurri” is believed to have various possible origins, but its etymology remains debatable. 

Introduced by cowboys, or “gauchos,” who grilled meats over open flames, this sauce quickly gained prominence.

Made from readily available ingredients like parsley, garlic, and vinegar, it served as a flavorful addition to simple meals. 

Over time, Chimichurri spread globally, finding its way into various culinary traditions. Today, it enjoys universal acclaim, complementing grilled meats and a diverse array of dishes, from seafood to vegetables.

Interesting Facts About Chimichurri Sauce

  • Global Influence: Though originating in Argentina and Uruguay, Chimichurri has found favor in various international cuisines, from American barbecues to Mediterranean dishes.
  • Versatility: Beyond grilled meats, Chimichurri can be used as a salad dressing, sandwich spread, or pasta sauce, showcasing its culinary adaptability.
  • Nutritional Value: Rich in antioxidants, the fresh herbs in Chimichurri offer potential health benefits, including anti-inflammatory properties.
  • Flavor Evolution: Over time, Chimichurri has seen variations that include ingredients like cilantro, red pepper flakes, and lime, highlighting its adaptability to diverse taste profiles.
  • Preservative Qualities: The vinegar and oil in Chimichurri act as natural preservatives, extending the sauce’s shelf life when refrigerated.
  • No Cooking Needed: Unlike many sauces, Chimichurri requires no cooking, making it quick and easy to prepare.
sauce in jar

What Are The Regional Adaptations Of This Sauce? 

Chimichurri has seen numerous regional adaptations as it traveled the globe with its Argentinian roots. You might find Chimichurri with added red bell pepper in Uruguay, giving it a sweeter undertone. 

Brazil’s version, “molho à campanha,” incorporates tomatoes and onions, lending a salsa-like texture. In some parts of North America, cilantro has been integrated, introducing a fresh, citrusy note.

Over in Europe, especially in Mediterranean countries, local herbs like rosemary or oregano might be infused. As it ventures into Asian kitchens, it’s not uncommon to find a touch of ginger or lemongrass.

Each regional adaptation celebrates the local palate and ingredients while staying true to its core.

What Will Make You Love This Chimichurri Sauce? 

It boasts a vibrant medley of fresh herbs, bringing flavor with every bite. Its enticing aroma hints at its prime ingredients: garlic, parsley, and a spicy kick from red pepper flakes.

The olive oil melds these ingredients together and imparts a silky, luxurious texture

Whether drizzling it over grilled steaks or using it as a dip for crusty bread, its zesty and tangy notes will elevate your meal.

Beyond its taste, the Chimichurri’s rich green hue adds a visual appeal to dishes, making your plate an instant feast for both the eyes and the palate. 

sauce in bowl

Ingredients List 

Fresh parsley1 cup
Extra virgin olive oil3/4 cup
Red wine vinegar3 tablespoons
Dried oregano2 tablespoons
Ground cumin2 teaspoons
Salt1 teaspoon
Minced garlic1/2 tablespoon
Pepper sauce1/2 tablespoon

Ingredient Tips

  • Parsley Quality: Opt for fresh, vibrant green parsley leaves. Wilted or yellow leaves can compromise the sauce’s flavor and appearance.
  • Olive Oil: Choose extra virgin olive oil for better taste and health benefits. Its rich flavor elevates the sauce.
  • Vinegar Choice: Red wine vinegar is traditional, but apple cider vinegar can be a suitable substitute for a milder tang.
  • Oregano Options: While dried oregano is convenient, you can use fresh oregano for a more pronounced herbaceous quality.
  • Cumin Caution: Ground cumin is potent; use it sparingly to prevent overwhelming the other flavors.
  • Salt Selection: Kosher or sea salt is preferable to table salt, offering a cleaner, more natural taste.

What Are The Variations Of This Sauce?

While rooted in Argentinian and Uruguayan cuisine, Chimichurri Sauce has undergone various adaptations globally.

In Argentina, a red version, “Chimichurri Rojo,” incorporates tomato and red bell pepper for a vibrant hue and a slightly different flavor profile. 

Some regions in South America add cilantro to the traditional parsley base, offering a more complex herbal note. 

In North America, spicier versions are popular, using hotter pepper sauces or adding red pepper flakes. 

Mediterranean adaptations might feature lemon zest or capers for added complexity. 

Even in Asian-inspired versions, ingredients like ginger or soy sauce can appear. These variations showcase the sauce’s flexibility and universal appeal.

ingredients of sauce

Recipe Directions 

Cooking Method

Step 1: Prepare Ingredients

  • Ensure that all ingredients are measured and ready.

Step 2: Assemble Appliance

  • Place the container of a blender or food processor on your work surface.

Step 3: Add Ingredients

  • Into the blender or food processor container, add the following:

Step 4: Blend

  • Secure the lid on the appliance.
  • Turn on the blender or food processor to medium speed.
  • Blend for approximately 10 seconds or until the ingredients are evenly blended.

Step 5: Check Consistency

  • Open the lid and check the sauce’s consistency. If not evenly blended, pulse a few more times.

Step 6: Taste and Adjust

  • Taste the sauce to see if additional seasoning is needed. Adjust as necessary.

Step 7: Transfer and Store

  • Transfer the blended sauce to an airtight container.
  • If not using immediately, store it in the refrigerator.

Scaling The Chimichurri Sauce Recipe

Scaling the Chimichurri Sauce recipe up or down is straightforward, thanks to its simple ingredient list and blending method.

When increasing the quantity, double or triple each ingredient, ensuring the ratios remain consistent. Note that larger quantities may require blending in batches or using a larger food processor. 

To scale down, halve, or reduce each ingredient proportionally. Always maintain the original ratios for balanced flavors. After scaling, taste and adjust the seasonings as needed. 

Remember that scaling up may yield a larger volume than your storage container can accommodate, while scaling down may require more precise measurements for smaller quantities.

sauce in making

Can This Sauce Be Used As A Marinade, Dipping Sauce, Or Dressing For Salads And Other Dishes? 

The versatility of Chimichurri Sauce is an excellent choice for various culinary applications. As a marinade, it imparts robust flavors to meats like chicken, beef, lamb, and seafood. 

The acidic elements in the sauce help tenderize the protein, while the herbs and spices add depth.

As a dipping sauce, it pairs excellently with bread, grilled vegetables, and even fried foods like calamari or mozzarella sticks. 

Additionally, Chimichurri can be thinned with extra vinegar or lemon juice to serve as a vibrant salad dressing.

Its complex flavors can elevate simple green salads, pasta salads, or grain bowls, making it a multi-purpose condiment in your kitchen.

What Are The Best Dishes To Accompany Chimichurri Sauce Recipe? 

Chimichurri, a vibrant and herbaceous sauce from Argentina, offers a zesty blend of parsley, garlic, vinegar, oil, and spices.

Its fresh and tangy flavor is a fantastic pairing for many dishes. Here are some of the best dishes to serve with Chimichurri sauce:

  • Grilled Steak: The sauce’s acidity complements the meat’s savoriness, particularly skirt or flank steak.
  • Chicken: Whether roasted or grilled, Chimichurri provides a refreshing contrast.
  • Fish: Especially grilled white fish or even shrimp.
  • Roasted Vegetables: Such as bell peppers, zucchini, or potatoes.
  • Tacos & Empanadas: A drizzle enhances these Latin favorites.
  • Pasta: Toss with Chimichurri for a herby twist.
  • Bread: Simply used as a dipping sauce.
  • Eggs: Drizzled over fried or scrambled eggs for a flavor boost.
Sauce in bowl

What Are Some Classic Dishes That Feature Chimichurri Sauce?

Chimichurri Sauce is a classic accompaniment to Argentine “asado,” or barbecue, most notably served alongside grilled beef cuts like skirt steak or rib-eye.

It’s also a popular marinade and sauce for grilled chicken and chorizo sausages. 

In Uruguay, it often graces the local sausage sandwich known as “choripán.” Seafood dishes, particularly grilled fish, can benefit from a drizzle of Chimichurri for added zest. 

Beyond traditional South American cuisine, Chimichurri has found its way into contemporary dishes like grilled vegetable platters, roasted potatoes, and even pasta salads. 

Its versatility extends to sandwiches, which can be a flavorful spread, elevating even simple preparations.

What Are The Key Flavor Profiles And Taste Sensations That Chimichurri Sauce Offers?

Chimichurri Sauce delivers a symphony of flavor profiles and taste sensations. Its base of fresh parsley brings an herbaceous and slightly peppery note.

The garlic contributes pungency, while dried oregano adds a layer of earthy warmth. Red wine vinegar introduces tanginess, providing a bright, acidic contrast that enlivens the palate.

Ground cumin offers a smoky, somewhat nutty undertone. Salt acts as a flavor enhancer, tying all these elements together. 

The extra virgin olive oil is the medium that unifies these diverse flavors, adding a smooth, rich texture.

Finally, the pepper sauce or spicy element injects heat, leaving a lingering sensation that invites you to take another bite.

Chimichurri Sauce Recipe

Can This Sauce Be Stored And Preserved For Future Use? What Is Its Shelf Life? 

Yes, Chimichurri Sauce can be stored and preserved for future use. To store it, place the sauce in an airtight container and refrigerate.

Thanks to the preservative qualities of vinegar and olive oil, it can last up to two weeks in the fridge. 

For longer storage, you can freeze Chimichurri in ice cube trays and transfer the frozen cubes to a zip-top bag.

These can be stored in the freezer for up to three months. However, consuming the sauce within a shorter time frame is advisable to enjoy its freshest flavors.

What Are The Substitutes For Chimichurri Sauce? 

If you’re out of Chimichurri or seeking a twist on the traditional, there are several flavorful substitutes you can consider:

  • Pesto: This Italian sauce, made with basil, pine nuts, parmesan, garlic, and olive oil, offers a herby and nutty profile.
  • Salsa Verde: A tangy green sauce typically made with tomatillos, jalapeños, cilantro, and lime juice; it adds a zesty touch to dishes.
  • Gremolata: A simple Italian condiment of lemon zest, garlic, and parsley. It’s fresh and aromatic.
  • Aioli: A Mediterranean sauce resembling mayonnaise, flavored predominantly with garlic.
  • Tzatziki: A creamy Greek yogurt sauce infused with cucumber, garlic, and dill.
  • Cilantro Lime Sauce: A zingy blend of cilantro, lime juice, and sometimes a dash of yogurt or sour cream.
Chimichurri Sauce Recipe

How To Adjust The Consistency Of The Sauce?

There may be some confusion, as Chimichurri Sauce is not a soup or cooked. Chimichurri is a raw sauce primarily used as a condiment for grilled meats and other dishes.

Its texture can vary depending on the cook’s preferences; some may prefer a chunkier, more rustic style, while others may blend it to a smoother consistency

However, it is generally not described as thick or thin as one would describe a soup. It’s more of a pourable sauce, somewhat akin to a vinaigrette, but it can be made thicker using less olive oil or more herbs.

Should We Serve The Chimichurri Sauce Cold Or Warm?

Chimichurri sauce is traditionally served cold or at room temperature. It is a raw sauce made of fresh ingredients.

Warming it can dull the vibrant flavors. Serve it directly from the fridge or sit for a bit to reach room temperature. This maintains its fresh taste. Use it to top grilled meats or vegetables

Remember, it’s not a cooking sauce but a finishing one. Keep it cool to savor its bold, tangy flavors. Cold Chimichurri offers a refreshing contrast to hot dishes. 

Chimichurri Sauce Recipe

Nutritional Values

Per 2-tablespoon serving, Chimichurri Sauce contains approximately 80-100 calories, 10 grams of total fat, 150 milligrams of sodium, and negligible amounts of carbohydrates and protein. It also provides modest amounts of Vitamin A and C

The majority of the caloric content comes from the extra virgin olive oil, a source of healthy monounsaturated fats.

What Are The Total Calories In Chimichurri Sauce? 

The total calories in Chimichurri Sauce can vary depending on the specific measurements and ingredient brands.

However, a typical homemade version using 1 cup of parsley, 3/4 cup of extra virgin olive oil, and other common ingredients may contain approximately 80-100 calories per 2-tablespoon serving. 

Most calories come from olive oil, around 120 calories per tablespoon. It’s always advisable to consult nutritional information specific to your ingredients for a precise calorie count.

Dietary Restrictions Of The Chimichurri Sauce

  • Gluten-Free: Traditional Chimichurri Sauce is gluten-free, making it suitable for those with celiac disease or gluten sensitivity.
  • Vegan/Vegetarian: The sauce is plant-based, containing no animal products, thus aligning with vegan and vegetarian diets.
  • Nut-Free: Chimichurri doesn’t contain nuts, making it safe for those with nut allergies.
  • Low-Carb: The sauce is low in carbohydrates, fitting well into low-carb and ketogenic diets.
  • No Sugar: Standard recipes don’t include added sugars, suitable for diabetic or sugar-free diets.
  • High Sodium: It can be high in salt, so those watching sodium intake should adjust accordingly.
  • Allium Allergies: Contains garlic, an issue for those allergic to allium family vegetables.

Nutrition Table 

Nutrition table

What Are The Common Mistakes While Making This Sauce?

  • Over-Blending: Excessive blending can turn the sauce into a paste, losing its characteristic texture.
  • Wrong Oil: Using oils with intense flavors, like coconut or sesame, can overpower the herbal notes.
  • Skimping on Acid: Reducing vinegar too much can make the sauce flat; the acid balances the oil and herbs.
  • Unequal Ratios: Disproportionate ingredient amounts can throw off the balance, making the sauce too oily or too tart.
  • Overuse: A little goes a long way; excessive application can overshadow the flavors of the main dish.
  • Immediate Use: While it can be used immediately, allowing the sauce to sit for a few hours helps flavors meld.
  • Poor Storage: Failing to store it in an airtight container can lead to spoilage or flavor loss.
  • Ignoring Freshness: Using stale or low-quality herbs and spices diminishes flavor quality. Always opt for fresh, high-quality ingredients.

What Are Some Creative Uses Of Leftover Sauce?

  • Marinade: Use the sauce to marinate chicken, beef, or fish for grilling or baking.
  • Salad Dressing: Mix it with a little extra vinegar for a vibrant salad dressing.
  • Sandwich Spread: Add a layer to sandwiches or wraps for an extra flavor kick.
  • Roasted Vegetables: Drizzle over vegetables before roasting for enhanced taste.
  • Grain Bowls: Mix into rice, quinoa, or couscous for a herby grain bowl.
  • Bread Dip: Serve as a dipping sauce for crusty bread.
  • Pasta Sauce: Toss it with freshly cooked pasta for a quick and tasty meal.
  • Stir-Fry: Add to stir-fried vegetables or proteins for a unique flavor twist.
  • Potato Topping: Use as a garnish for baked or mashed potatoes.
  • Yogurt Mix-In: Combine with plain yogurt for a tangy, herbaceous dip or condiment.
Chimichurri Sauce Recipe

Special Tools & Equipment Needed

  • Blender or Food Processor: Essential for blending the ingredients into a smooth or slightly chunky sauce, depending on your preference.
  • Measuring Cups: To accurately measure liquids like olive oil and vinegar.
  • Measuring Spoons: For precise measurements of spices, herbs, and smaller ingredients.
  • Herb Scissors or Sharp Knife: Useful for finely chopping fresh parsley, if not using a blender.
  • Glass Bowl: Mix ingredients manually or combine if you prefer a chunkier texture.
  • Whisk: Helpful for emulsifying the sauce if mixing by hand.
  • Airtight Container: Necessary for storing any leftover sauce in the refrigerator or freezer.
  • Funnel: Useful if transferring the sauce into narrow-necked bottles for storage or gifting.
  • Cutting Board: For chopping any fresh ingredients.
  • Rubber Spatula: For scraping down the sides of the blender or food processor to ensure even mixing.

Frequently Asked Questions

How Long Does Chimichurri Sauce Last In The Fridge?

Stored in an airtight container, Chimichurri Sauce can last up to one week in the refrigerator. For longer storage, consider freezing it.

Is Chimichurri Sauce Spicy?

The traditional recipe has a mild kick, often from red pepper flakes or hot pepper sauce. However, you can adjust the heat level according to your preference.

Can I Substitute Dried Herbs For Fresh Herbs?

While fresh herbs provide the best flavor and texture, dried herbs can be used in a pinch. Use one-third the amount of dried herbs as you would fresh.

What Are The Best Meats To Pair With Chimichurri Sauce?

Chimichurri pairs excellently with grilled or roasted meats such as beef, chicken, and lamb. It also complements fish and other seafood.

Is Chimichurri Sauce Vegan-Friendly?

Traditional Chimichurri Sauce is plant-based and fits well into vegan and vegetarian diets. Always check individual ingredients to confirm they meet your dietary needs.

Perfect Chimichurri Sauce Recipe (Appetizing And Fresh)

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Course: Hot Sauces


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  • 1 cup 1 Fresh parsley

  • 3/4 cup 3/4 Extra virgin olive oil

  • 3 tablespoons 3 Red wine vinegar

  • 2 tablespoons 2 Dried oregano

  • 2 teaspoons 2 Ground cumin

  • 1 teaspoons 1 Salt

  • 1/2 tablespoon 1/2 Minced garlic

  • 1/2 tablespoon 1/2 Pepper sauce

Step-By-Step Directions

  • Prepare Ingredients
    Parsley: Wash the parsley thoroughly under cold running water to remove any dirt or debris. Shake off the excess water and pat dry with a kitchen towel or paper towels. Remove the thick stems, keeping the leaves.
    Garlic: If using whole cloves, peel and roughly chop them.
  • Set Up the Blender or Food Processor
    Ensure that your blender or food processor is clean and dry. Assemble it according to the manufacturer’s instructions and ensure that the blade is properly attached.
  • Add Ingredients to the Blender/Food Processor
    Place the parsley, olive oil, red wine vinegar, oregano, cumin, salt, garlic, and hot pepper sauce into the container of the blender or food processor.
  • Blend the Mixture
    Secure the lid on the blender or food processor.
    Turn the machine on to a medium speed.
    Blend for about 10 seconds, or until all the ingredients are evenly blended and the mixture turns into a slightly coarse sauce. If needed, pause and scrape down the sides of the container with a spatula to ensure everything gets processed.
  • Taste and Adjust
    After blending, give your chimichurri a taste. Adjust the seasonings if necessary, adding more salt, hot pepper sauce, or any other ingredient according to your preference.
  • Transfer and Store
    Once you’re satisfied with the flavor and consistency, transfer the chimichurri sauce to a jar or airtight container.
    Store the sauce in the refrigerator if not using it immediately. It’s always a good idea to let the chimichurri sit for a few hours or even overnight to allow the flavors to meld together.
  • Serving
    Serve the chimichurri sauce as a condiment for grilled meats, poultry, or vegetables. It’s also delicious as a marinade or a dipping sauce for bread.

Recipe Video


  • Versatility: This sauce can act as a marinade, dipping sauce, or salad dressing, making it a multifunctional item in your culinary arsenal.
  • Customization: Feel free to adjust the herb, spice, and acid levels to tailor the sauce to your preference.
  • Storage: Store in an airtight container in the refrigerator for up to one week or freeze for a longer shelf life.
  • Dietary Restrictions: Naturally vegan, gluten-free, and nut-free, this sauce fits into various dietary plans.
  • Freshness Matters: Use fresh, high-quality ingredients and consume within the suggested storage period for optimal flavor.

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