Mastering Mustard Cream Sauce – A Touch Of Luxury

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Mustard Cream Sauce Recipe is a blend of rich cream and tangy mustard. It’s excellent for enhancing the flavor of meats and vegetables. Mustard Cream Sauce is a good idea to consider when in doubt about what sauce to serve. Its smooth texture and unique taste elevate any dish. For those seeking a blend of zest and creaminess, I’d recommend trying this sauce. Remember, it’s always a hit at dinners and gatherings!

Mustard Cream Sauce Recipe has become an indispensable part of my culinary journey. On a recent trip to a renowned Middle Eastern eatery, the chef introduced me to this delectable sauce. 

Mustard Cream Sauce Recipe

I was taken aback by its rich fusion of tanginess from the mustard and the velvety luxury of cream. 

Now, when thinking of sauces, many face the dilemma of choosing something that both complements and elevates their dishes. 

Yet, as I traveled further into European countries, it was evident how this sauce had seamlessly integrated into various cuisines, becoming the answer to many such dilemmas. 

During a visit to a friend’s place in France, the same sauce was requested from her kids for our dinner feast. 

In fact, it’s a great idea to always have this sauce on hand. If you’re unsure which sauce to introduce to your meals, my best advice is to try the Mustard Cream Sauce. It might just become your next favorite.

What Is Mustard Cream Sauce Recipe?

Mustard Cream Sauce Recipe is a savory blend that combines mustard’s spicy and tangy flavor with cream’s rich and smooth texture. 

It serves as an excellent accompaniment to various dishes, particularly meats and vegetables. 

Great for enhancing flavors, it brings a delightful balance of zest and creaminess to the palate. 

When doubting adding a unique touch to your meal, it is a good idea to consider the Mustard Cream Sauce Recipe. 

With its distinctive taste, this versatile sauce can elevate even the simplest of dishes, making it a favorite choice for many.

History Of Mustard Cream Sauce Recipe

Mustard Cream Sauce’s origins are deeply rooted in European culinary traditions. While the exact inventor remains elusive, the sauce can trace its lineage to the kitchens of France. 

French chefs, known for their artistry in combining ingredients, were keen on merging the sharpness of mustard with the lushness of cream. 

As these chefs traveled or trained others, the recipe spread throughout Europe. Whereas mustard had been a staple in 

European cuisine for centuries, its fusion with cream created a harmony that was quickly embraced. 

I’d recommend appreciating this sauce not just for its taste but also for its rich European heritage.

Interesting Facts About Mustard Cream Sauce Recipe

The mustard Cream Sauce Recipe is a luscious condiment that adds a burst of flavor to a range of dishes. Interesting fact: This velvety sauce combines the boldness of mustard with the richness of cream, creating a perfect balance.

Easy Preparation

Mustard cream sauce is relatively easy to prepare, making it accessible to both home cooks and professional chefs.


Cooks can adjust the consistency and flavor by varying the ratio of cream to mustard or adding herbs and spices.

Modern Variations

Modern variations may incorporate additional ingredients like white wine, shallots, or garlic for added complexity.

Popular Pairings

It’s a popular choice for serving alongside grilled meats, roasted vegetables, or as a dipping sauce for pretzels and sandwiches.

International Appeal

The sauce has made its way into international cuisines, showcasing its adaptability and enduring popularity.

Time-Honored Flavor

Despite its long history, mustard cream sauce remains a beloved classic, appreciated for its creamy, tangy, and savory notes.

Jar and Ingredients

What Are The Regional Adaptations Of This Sauce?

Mustard Cream Sauce Recipe, while rooted in European culinary traditions, has seen various regional adaptations. It’s often infused with white wine or herbs in France, enhancing its depth. 

In Germany, where mustard is a staple, it might have a more substantial mustard presence. 

It will be surprising to find it paired with local ales or ciders in the UK. In some Middle Eastern adaptations, spices like cumin might be added.

A dash of dill or other local herbs can be infused in Scandinavian countries. Whereas the base remains consistent with mustard and cream, regional flavors make each adaptation distinct. 

What Will Make You Love This Mustard Cream Sauce?

Mustard Cream Sauce boasts a symphony of flavors that cater to diverse palates. If you appreciate a tangy kick, the piquancy of mustard will appeal to you. 

For those who lean towards creamy textures, the richness of the cream in this sauce offers a luxurious mouthfeel. 

It’s great for transforming a mundane dish into a gourmet experience. In fact, its versatility means it complements everything from meats to veggies. 

If you’re not sure about new flavors, the balance this sauce strikes is an excellent reason to try. 

Bowl and Spoon

Ingredients List 

Mayonnaise1/3 cup
Sour Cream1/4 cup
Prepared Dijon-style Mustard1 tablespoon
Fresh Lemon Juice1 tablespoon

Ingredient Tips

  • Mayonnaise: Opt for full-fat mayonnaise for a richer taste, yet if you’re health-conscious, light versions can work.
  • Sour Cream: Using fresh sour cream is crucial; check the expiration date. For a tangier taste, consider using Greek yogurt as a substitute.
  • Dijon-style Mustard: This mustard type is essential for the sauce’s authentic flavor. However, if you need more clarification on its intensity, start with a little less and adjust according to taste.
  • Lemon Juice: Always use fresh lemon juice over bottled versions. It provides a brighter, fresher tang.
  • Consistency: If the sauce seems too thick, add more lemon juice or a splash of water.
  • Storage: Store any leftover sauce in an airtight container in the fridge. Using it within 3-4 days is a good idea for the best flavor.

What Are The Variations Of Mustard Cream Sauce Recipe?

  • Herbed Variation: Incorporate fresh herbs like dill, tarragon, or chives for an aromatic touch.
  • Spicy Kick: Add a dash of cayenne pepper or a hint of horseradish for a zesty twist.
  • Cheesy Delight: Blend in grated parmesan or gruyère for a more prosperous, cheesy flavor.
  • Wine-infused: A splash of white wine or even champagne can elevate the sauce’s depth and sophistication.
  • Garlic Touch: Mince fresh garlic or stir in garlic powder for an added layer of flavor.
  • Vegan Version: Substitute traditional mayo and sour cream with vegan alternatives. Pair with a vegan-friendly mustard.
  • Honey Drizzle: Add a spoonful of honey for a sweet and tangy balance. It’s great for those who prefer a hint of sweetness.

Recipe Directions 

Cooking Method

  • Combine the mayonnaise, sour cream, Dijon-style mustard, and lemon juice in a medium-sized bowl.
  • Mix the ingredients together with a whisk until you achieve a smooth and creamy consistency.
  • Adjust the amount of Dijon-style mustard according to your preference for tanginess. If you need more clarification, starting with a smaller amount and adding more as needed is better.
  • Once blended well, cover the bowl with a lid or cling film.

Resting The Sauce

  • Place the covered bowl in the refrigerator.
  • Let the sauce chill for at least 30 minutes. This resting time allows the flavors to meld together, enhancing the overall taste.
  • Before serving, give the sauce a quick stir. You can adjust the consistency with a splash of water or more lemon juice if it’s too thick.
  • Serve chilled alongside your desired dishes.

In every spoonful, you’ll find the marriage of bold flavor and silky smoothness, a symphony for your taste buds.

Scaling The Recipe 

  • Basic Rule: Maintain the proportions. If doubling the recipe, double each ingredient. Similarly, halve each ingredient to make a smaller batch.
  • Taste as You Go: Always taste as you mix When you adjust quantities, especially in large amounts. This ensures flavor balance.
  • Consistency: If scaling up, you might find the sauce too thick. Add lemon juice or a touch of water gradually until desired consistency.
  • Storage: Remember, larger batches may yield leftovers. Store in an airtight container. When in doubt about freshness, it’s better to use it within 3-4 days.
  • Mixing: Larger batches might require more giant or multiple bowls. Ensure thorough mixing for uniform flavor.
Mustard Cream Sauce Recipe

Can This Sauce Be Used As A Marinade, Dipping Sauce, Or Dressing For Salads?

  • Marinade: Its tangy and creamy elements make it great for marinating chicken, pork, or even fish. The mustard aids in tenderizing, imparting deep flavors to the meat.
  • Dipping Sauce: Serve it alongside snacks or appetizers like fries, grilled vegetables, or chicken tenders. Its rich texture makes it a crowd-pleaser for dipping.
  • Dressing for Salads: The balance of tanginess and creaminess is perfect for drizzling over fresh greens, roasted vegetables, or pasta salads. When in doubt about what dressing to choose, this sauce can be your go-to option for an elevated salad experience.

What Are The Best Dishes To Accompany Mustard Cream Sauce?


Grilled chicken, roasted pork, and pan-seared steaks are elevated when drizzled with or dipped into this sauce.


Lightly grilled or baked salmon and other white fish benefit from its zesty kick.


Roasted or steamed vegetables like asparagus, broccoli, or Brussels sprouts become more flavorful.

Sandwiches And Wraps

Add a touch to your turkey, chicken, or vegetable wraps for an added layer of taste.


Whether it’s mashed potatoes, wedges, or roasted spuds, they get a flavor boost.


Creamy pasta dishes benefit from a dollop of this sauce, especially with chicken or vegetables.


Fresh greens or potato salads are enhanced with their rich texture and flavor.

What Are Some Classic Dishes That Feature Mustard Cream Sauce?

  • Chicken Dijon: A pan-seared or baked chicken dish glazed with mustard cream sauce.
  • Pork Medallions: Tender pork slices drizzled or cooked in the rich sauce.
  • Salmon à la Moutarde: Grilled or baked salmon fillets topped with a generous serving of the sauce.
  • Potato Gratin: Layers of thinly sliced potatoes baked with a touch of sauce for added richness.
  • Veal or Chicken Marsala: When in doubt about pairing, this sauce gives these wine-based dishes an extra depth.
  • Steak Diane: A steak dish with a sauce base, often incorporating mustard cream for tanginess.
  • Mustard Cream Pasta: A creamy pasta dish highlighting the sauce’s flavor.

What Are The Key Flavor Profiles And Taste Sensations Mustard Cream Sauce Offers?

  • Tanginess: The Dijon-style mustard introduces a sharp, piquant note.
  • Creaminess: The combination of mayonnaise and sour cream offers a smooth, velvety texture and taste.
  • Brightness: Fresh lemon juice imparts a zesty, citrusy lift.
  • Savory: The sauce has an underlying umami quality that enhances dishes.
  • Mild Sweetness: Some may detect a subtle sweetness thanks to the natural ingredients.
  • Slight Bitterness: Mustard, in its essence, can have a gentle, bitter undertone.
  • Richness: The amalgamation of ingredients creates a full-bodied, indulgent profile.
  • Aromatic: The distinct aroma of mustard adds another layer to its multi-faceted flavor profile.
Jar and Spoon

Can This Sauce Be Stored And Preserved For Future Use? What Is Its Shelf Life?

  • Refrigeration: Transfer the sauce to an airtight container and refrigerate. This is essential to maintain its freshness and prevent contamination.
  • Shelf Life: When stored properly in the fridge, the sauce remains fresh for up to 5-7 days.
  • Preservation: Avoid cross-contamination by using clean utensils when accessing the sauce.
  • Freezing: While it’s possible to freeze, it may affect the sauce’s texture upon thawing. It’s better to use fresh whenever possible.
  • Re-use: If you’re unsure about its freshness, check for any off odors or mold before consumption. When in doubt, it’s safer to discard and prepare a fresh batch.

What Are The Substitutes For Mustard Cream Sauce?

  • Tartar Sauce: Its mayonnaise base and tangy elements like pickles or capers offer a similar creamy texture.
  • Hollandaise Sauce: A buttery, lemony sauce that pairs well with many of the same dishes.
  • Herb Aioli: A flavored mayonnaise with garlic and herbs, providing both creaminess and zest.
  • Horseradish Cream: Offers a spicy kick, which can replace the tang of mustard.
  • Creme Fraiche with Lemon Zest: This combination gives a creamy texture with a citrusy hint.
  • Yogurt & Herb Sauce: A yogurt mix with herbs can lend a tangy, fresh profile.
  • Blue Cheese Dressing: For a richer, more umami flavor profile.
  • Pesto Cream: Blend traditional pesto with cream for a herbal, creamy alternative.
Mustard Cream Sauce Recipe

How To Adjust The Consistency Of The Sauce?

  • Too Thick: Gradually add small amounts of water, lemon juice, or milk. Whisk well after each addition to reach the desired consistency.
  • Too Thin: Increase the amount of mayonnaise or sour cream. This will thicken the sauce while keeping its creamy texture.
  • Balancing Flavor: Remember, while adjusting the consistency, the flavor might change. If you’ve added more lemon juice, balance it by introducing a touch more mustard or sour cream.
  • Stirring: Use a whisk or spoon to ensure even mixing.
  • Testing: Before finalizing, test the sauce’s consistency by letting it coat the back of a spoon. Adjust more if necessary. When in doubt, always make adjustments in small increments.

Should We Serve The Sauce Cold Or Warm?

  • Cold: Traditionally, the sauce is served chilled, especially when used as a dipping sauce, dressing for salads, or accompaniment to cold dishes. It’s a good idea to refrigerate it for a while before serving to let the flavors meld.
  • Warm: If pairing with hot dishes like grilled meats, fish, or warm vegetables, you can gently warm the sauce. However, avoid overheating, as excessive heat can break the creamy consistency.
  • Versatility: The sauce’s adaptability makes it suitable for both cold and warm dishes. I advise considering the dish it complements and the diner’s preference.
Mustard Cream Sauce Recipe

Nutritional Values 

This Mustard Cream Sauce is a delightful blend of tangy and creamy, providing essential fats from the mayonnaise and sour cream and a burst of flavor from the Dijon-style mustard and lemon juice.

What Are The Total Calories In Mustard Cream Sauce?

The main ingredients are mayonnaise, sour cream, Dijon-style mustard, and lemon juice. Given typical caloric values, a single serving of Mustard Cream Sauce (considering a 2-tablespoon serving) might range between 60-120 calories, primarily from the fats in the mayonnaise and sour cream. 

Mustard Cream Sauce Recipe

Mustard cream sauce where bold and creamy unite, transforming ordinary meals into extraordinary experiences

Dietary Restrictions Of The Mustard Cream Sauce

  • Dairy: Contains sour cream, which is unsuitable for those lactose intolerant or with dairy allergies.
  • Vegan: Not vegan-friendly due to mayonnaise, which has egg and sour cream, a dairy product.
  • Vegetarian: Suitable for vegetarians.
  • Gluten: Typically gluten-free, but always check ingredient labels for cross-contamination or additives.
  • Nut Allergies: Generally safe, yet always ensure mayonnaise or other ingredients don’t have traces of nuts.
  • Eggs: It contains eggs in mayonnaise, so it’s unsuitable for those with egg allergies.
  • Low-fat Diets: Might be high in fat due to mayonnaise and sour cream.
  • Low-sodium Diets: Mustard can be high in sodium; those on restrictive diets should consume it in moderation.

Nutrition Table 

Nutrition Table

What Are The Common Mistakes While Making This Sauce?

  • Over-Whisking: Vigorously whisking can cause the sauce to separate or become too thin.
  • Using Expired Ingredients: Always check the freshness of ingredients, especially mayo and sour cream, to avoid a sour taste.
  • Not Adjusting To Taste: Some might add the mustard without tasting, resulting in an overly strong flavor. Always adjust according to your preference.
  • Skipping the Chill Step: Not allowing the sauce to chill can affect the melding of flavors.
  • Substituting Ingredients Without Care: Using alternatives without proper ratios can disrupt consistency and flavor.
  • Overseasoning: Too much salt or added seasonings can overshadow the primary flavors.
  • Using Artificial Lemon: Fresh lemon juice offers a natural tanginess; substitutes might not provide the same zest.
  • Not Storing Properly: Not using an airtight container can lead to contamination or the sauce absorbing fridge odors.
  • Overheating: If you decide to serve it warm, excessive heat can break the creamy consistency.

What Are Some Creative Uses Of Leftover Sauce? 

  • Pasta Mix-in: Toss it with freshly cooked pasta for a creamy twist.
  • Bread Spread: Replace butter or mayo on sandwiches and wraps.
  • Baked Potato Topping: Add a dollop of hot baked potatoes.
  • Grilled Vegetable Drizzle: Enhance the flavor of grilled veggies.
  • Meat Glaze: Brush over meats before grilling or roasting.
  • Soup Base: Incorporate into creamy soups for added depth.
  • Pizza Base: Swap traditional tomato sauce for this on a gourmet pizza.
  • Fish Marinade: Marinate fish before grilling or baking.
  • Egg Dressing: Drizzle over poached or boiled eggs.
  • Stir-fry Elevator: Mix into stir-fries for a creamy touch.
Mustard Cream Sauce Recipe

Special Tools & Equipment Needed

  • Whisk: Essential for achieving a smooth, lump-free consistency.
  • Mixing Bowl: Preferably a medium-sized one to combine ingredients.
  • Measuring Cups & Spoons: For precise ingredient quantities.
  • Glass Jar with Lid: Ideal for storing the sauce, ensuring freshness.
  • Silicone Spatula: Helps in scraping every bit from the bowl.
  • Sauce Boat: For elegant serving during formal occasions.
  • Fine Mesh Strainer: If you need to ensure there are no lumps or solid bits.
  • Hand Mixer: In case you’re looking to achieve a whipped texture.
  • Tasting Spoons: Essential for adjusting seasonings.
  • Funnel: Makes transferring sauce to bottles or jars mess-free.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I Use A Different Type Of Mustard Other Than Dijon-Style?

Yes, you can. While Dijon mustard provides a particular flavor profile, other mustards like whole grain, spicy brown, or even honey mustard can be used for a different taste. Adjust the amount based on your preference and the strength of the mustard.

How Long Can I Store The Sauce In The Refrigerator?

Mustard Cream Sauce can last up to 5-7 days in the refrigerator when stored in an airtight container. Always check for signs of spoilage, such as off-odors or mold, before consumption.

Is There A Dairy-Free Version Of This Sauce?

Absolutely. You can replace the sour cream with non-dairy alternatives like coconut cream or vegan sour cream to create a dairy-free version. Adjust the other ingredients accordingly to achieve your desired taste and consistency.

Why Is My Sauce Too Runny? How Can I Thicken It?

Over-whisking or adding too much lemon juice can make the sauce runny. You can thicken it by whisking in more mayonnaise or sour cream if it’s too thin. Letting it chill in the refrigerator can also help improve its consistency.

Can I Add Herbs Or Spices To The Sauce For More Flavor?

Yes, indeed! Adding fresh herbs like dill, chives, or tarragon can enhance the sauce’s flavor. Spices such as black pepper, garlic powder, or paprika can also be introduced for a more robust taste. Adjust the quantities according to your preference.

Mastering Mustard Cream Sauce – A Touch Of Luxury

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Recipe by Lana Rivera Course: Sauces


Prep time




Rest Time



A creamy, tangy Mustard Cream Sauce Recipe, expertly blending the zesty kick of Dijon mustard with the smoothness of mayonnaise and sour cream. Perfect for elevating any dish!


  • 1/3 cup 1/3 Mayonnaise

  • 1/4 cup 1/4 Sour Cream

  • 1 tablespoon 1 Dijon-style Mustard

  • 1 tablespoon 1 Fresh Lemon Juice

Step-By-Step Directions

  • Preparation
    Gather all the ingredients and equipment on your kitchen counter for easy access.
    Ensure your mixing bowl is clean and dry.
  • Measure Ingredients
    Using the measuring cups and spoons, measure out the required quantities of mayonnaise, sour cream, Dijon-style mustard, and fresh lemon juice.
  • Combining The Base
    In the mixing bowl, add the measured mayonnaise and sour cream.
    Use the whisk to blend them together until smooth and combined.
  • Introduce The Flavor
    Add the Dijon-style mustard to the bowl.
    Pour in the fresh lemon juice.
  • Mixing
    Use the whisk to mix the ingredients thoroughly. Whisk gently but effectively to achieve a smooth and creamy consistency. Avoid over-whisking, which could thin out the sauce.
  • Taste And Adjust
    Using a tasting spoon, sample the sauce.
    If necessary, adjust the flavor. You can add more mustard or lemon juice for more tang. For a creamier texture, add a bit more mayonnaise or sour cream.
  • Transfer To Storage
    If you’re not serving the sauce immediately, use the silicone spatula to transfer it to a glass jar with a lid. The spatula ensures minimal wastage by scraping every bit from the mixing bowl.
    Seal the jar with its lid, ensuring it’s airtight.
  • Chill
    Place the sealed jar in the refrigerator to chill the sauce. This step allows the flavors to meld beautifully and enhances the taste.
  • Serving
    When ready to serve, you can transfer the sauce to a sauce boat for an elegant presentation or serve directly from the jar.
    Give the sauce a quick stir before serving to ensure even consistency.
  • Enjoy
    Pair your Mustard Cream Sauce with various dishes and enjoy its creamy, tangy goodness!

Recipe Video


  • Adjust the amount of mustard based on personal preference for tanginess.
  • The sauce’s flavor deepens over time; consider tasting after chilling to adjust seasonings.
  • For a lighter version, use low-fat mayonnaise and sour cream.
  • Fresh lemon juice is preferable for a natural and vibrant tang.
  • Store leftovers in an airtight container in the refrigerator for the best freshness.

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