Haitian Hot Sauce Recipe – Tropical Flavor Boost

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Haitian Hot Sauce: Unleash a dance of flavors that will set your taste buds on fire! This Haitian culinary masterpiece is a tantalizing symphony of spices and mystery, a secret blend passed down through generations. Sos Ti Malice, known as Haitian hot sauce exudes an irresistible, fiery charisma, weaving the tales of the Caribbean with each bite. Experience the magic, and let your palate embark on an adventure like no other.

Many frequently ask about the perfect Haitian hot sauce recipe, as they might search for a flavor that reminds them of unique experiences.

On a recent trip to the Middle East, I enjoyed a variety of rich sauces, yet none compared to the boldness of Haitian hot sauce. Likewise, while savoring meals in various restaurants during a European tour, the sauces generally paled in comparison. My advice? 

Haitian Hot Sauce

Use a trusted Haitian hot sauce recipe, ensuring your taste buds get the authentic experience they crave. I recall a particular evening when a friend from Haiti invited me over for dinner, and the number one request from my kids was for that vibrant sauce.

It may be helpful to know that achieving the perfect balance in Haitian hot sauce can be challenging, but with the right recipe, every spoonful becomes a journey back to those unforgettable travel moments.

What Is The Haitian Hot Sauce? 

Haitian hot sauce, or Sos Ti Malice is a traditional Haitian sauce frequently used to complement meats, especially grilled dishes.

It might seem similar to a basic onion sauce, yet its distinct flavor comes from a blend of sautéed onions, garlic, peppers, and citrus juice.

Generally, it is spicy, tangy, and a bit salty, making it a favorite in many Haitian households. My advice to those unfamiliar with this sauce is to give it a try.

Use a trusted recipe and appreciate how it enhances your dish. It may be helpful to consider it a unique blend that captures the essence of Haitian cuisine.

The exact origins of the Haitian hot sauce recipe are somewhat elusive, as with many traditional dishes. Generally, it’s rooted in Haitian culture, born from a fusion of African, French, and indigenous Taino influences.

While it might be challenging to pinpoint a single inventor, the sauce is deeply tied to Haitian folklore. “Ti Malice” refers to a mischievous character from Haitian tales.

I advise appreciating this sauce as a testament to Haiti’s rich cultural tapestry and culinary heritage.

Interesting Facts About Haitian Hot Sauce

Haitian hot sauce or Sos Ti Malice, while primarily Haitian, has variations in other Caribbean cultures, yet with unique twists.

  • The sauce frequently pairs with griot, a famous Haitian pork dish.
  • Lime or sour orange juice is generally used to give it its characteristic tangy flavor.
  • While Haitian hot sauce is spicy, adjustments can suit different palates.
  • Depending on its use, it might be seen as both a sauce and a condiment.
  • My advice for those using it for the first time is to start with small amounts to gauge its intensity.
  • The stories behind Ti Malice reflect Haitian humor, adding depth to the sauce’s cultural significance.
Haitian Hot Sauce

What Are The Regional Adaptations Of This Sauce? 

Dominican Republic: A similar sauce exists, generally milder, and often features olives and capers.

  • Cuba: Mojo is frequently used, incorporating sour oranges and garlic, resembling Haitian hot sauce tangy essence.
  • Jamaica: Pepper sauces might resemble, yet they primarily focus on the heat from Scotch Bonnet peppers.
  • Puerto Rico: Sofrito, while not a direct adaptation, serves as a base for many dishes with onions, garlic, and peppers.
  • Trinidad and Tobago: Pepper sauces here use a variety of local peppers, offering a different heat profile.
  • Barbados: Bajan pepper sauce uses mustard, giving it a distinct taste.

What Will Make You Love This Haitian Hot Sauce Recipe? 

The unique blend of flavors in Haitian hot sauce might immediately captivate you. Its tangy, spicy, and savory notes generally appeal to a wide range of palates.

The sauce ensures your dishes come alive, adding Caribbean flair to even the simplest meals. If you’ve had the privilege of traveling or dining at diverse eateries, you’ll appreciate its authenticity.

The experience of preparing it at home also offers an enriching culinary journey. It may be helpful to think of it as more than just a sauce; it’s an invitation into the heart of Haitian cuisine. My advice? Embrace and enjoy every drop.

Haitian Hot Sauce

Ingredients List

Olive oil½ cup
Fresh Scotch bonnets/habaneros2, stemmed & chopped
Red bell pepper1 medium, chopped
Green bell pepper1 medium, chopped
Shallot1, chopped
White onion1, chopped
Garlic cloves3, peeled
Fresh thyme3 sprigs, stems removed
Lime juice1 cup
Tomato paste3 tablespoons
Salt1 teaspoon

Ingredient Tips 

When preparing Haitian hot sauce, consider these ingredient tips:

  • Olive oil: Use a quality extra virgin olive oil for enhanced flavor.
  • Scotch bonnets/habaneros: Handle with care; they’re spicy! Wear gloves, and remember that removing seeds generally reduces heat.
  • Bell peppers: Choose firm peppers with smooth skins. They should feel heavy for their size.
  • Shallot and White Onion: Ensure they are fresh and free from soft spots.
  • Garlic: Fresh cloves give a richer flavor than pre-packaged minced garlic.
  • Fresh thyme: Using fresh thyme ensures your sauce has a more aromatic profile. If unavailable, dried thyme might work, yet adjust the quantity.
  • Lime juice: Freshly squeezed is preferred over bottled. It may be helpful to roll limes before juicing to extract more liquid.
  • Tomato paste: Opt for paste without added sugars or preservatives for a purer taste.

What Are The Variations Of Haitian Hot Sauce Recipe? 

Variations of the Haitian hot sauce recipe include:

  • Fruit infusion: Some might add pineapple or mango for a sweet-tangy twist.
  • Vinegar-based: Vinegar can be used for a different tang instead of lime juice.
  • Herb variations: Apart from thyme, some recipes use a mix of cilantro or parsley.
  • Heat levels: Adjusting the number of Scotch bonnets or habaneros ensures your desired spice level.
  • Vegetarian twist: Vegetable broth can be added to make it more gravy-like.
  • Meat infusion: Some try to include bits of pork or beef for a richer flavor.
  • Reduced heat: Using milder peppers, like jalapeños, generally offers a less spicy version.
Haitian Hot Sauce

Recipe Directions

Cooking Method

  • Combine the oil, chiles, bell peppers, shallot, onion, garlic, and thyme leaves in a large pot over medium heat.
  • Sauté for 5 minutes or until the vegetables begin to soften.
  • Add the lime juice, tomato paste, and salt. Mix well.
  • Bring the mixture to a simmer. Once it simmers, turn off the heat.

Ferment Method (If Opting)

  • After the sauce has cooled to room temperature, transfer it to a sterilized jar, leaving 1-inch headspace.
  • Seal the jar and let it sit at room temperature for 2-3 days. This will allow beneficial bacteria to ferment the sauce, enhancing its flavor.
  • After fermentation, store in the refrigerator. Note: Always clean your utensils and jar to prevent unwanted microbial growth.


  • Use immediately or let the sauce cool to room temperature.
  • Store in the refrigerator for up to 10 days.
  • Serve warm or cold, as per your preference.

Scaling The Recipe  

  • Double or Triple: Simply multiply all ingredients by 2 or 3 for large gatherings. However, doubling spices might be best to use a 1.5 multiplier to avoid overwhelming heat.
  • Halving: When cooking for a smaller group, divide all ingredients in half. Keep a close watch on cooking time, as it may reduce slightly.
  • Consistency: If you want a thicker sauce when scaling up, try to reduce the liquid proportionally. Add more lime juice or a bit of water for a thinner sauce.
  • Taste Test: As you scale, frequently taste and adjust the seasoning. My advice is always to prioritize balance in flavors, regardless of quantity.
Haitian Hot Sauce

Can This Sauce Be Used As A Marinade, Dipping Sauce, Or Dressing For Salads And Other Dishes?

Absolutely! The versatility of Haitian hot sauce ensures your culinary endeavors remain dynamic and flavorful. As a marinade, its tangy and spicy elements can deeply season meats, making them tender and imbued with Caribbean zest.

Its rich consistency and bold flavors make it an excellent companion for fried foods, chips, or grilled vegetables when used as a dipping sauce.

Furthermore, when considering salads, Haitian hot sauce can double as a dressing, adding a spicy kick to fresh greens.

Its unique profile also complements roasted vegetables, rice dishes, and seafood. My advice? Experiment and discover the myriad ways this sauce can elevate your meals.

What Are The Best Dishes To Accompany Haitian Hot Sauce Recipe? 

Haitian hot sauce is a versatile sauce that pairs wonderfully with a variety of dishes:

  • Griot: When complemented with Haitian hot sauce, this Haitian fried pork dish becomes a delightful culinary duo.
  • Grilled Chicken: The tangy and spicy notes of the sauce generally enhance the smokiness of the chicken.
  • Fried Plantains: A popular Caribbean side, these benefit from the sauce’s zest.
  • Rice and Beans: A staple in many cuisines, Haitian hot sauce adds depth and flavor.
  • Seafood: Grilled shrimp or fish might be elevated with a drizzle of this sauce.
  • Steaks: For those looking for a kick, it’s a great alternative to traditional steak sauces.
  • Salads: The sauce can also add a refreshing zest to fresh vegetables and greens.
  • Sandwiches: It frequently serves as a spicy spread, boosting sandwiches’ flavor.
Haitian Hot Sauce

What Are Some Classic Dishes To Feature Haitian Hot Sauce Recipe? 

Haitian hot sauce is traditionally featured in several classic Haitian dishes:

  • Griot: This deep-fried pork dish is frequently served with Haitian hot sauce to balance its richness.
  • Tasso Cabrit: Spicy fried goat meat finds its match in the tangy kick of the sauce.
  • Poisson Gros Sel: When paired with the sauce, salted fish results in a harmonious blend of flavors.
  • Mayi Moulen: A cornmeal dish akin to polenta, it often has Haitian hot sauce drizzled atop for added zest.
  • Poulet en Sauce: Chicken in a rich gravy can be spiced up with this sauce.
  • Bouillon Bœuf: This hearty beef soup becomes even more flavorful with a hint of Haitian hot sauce.
  • Akras: These cakes, made from malanga, gain an extra dimension of taste when dipped in the sauce.

What Are The Key Flavor Profiles And Taste Sensations Haitian Hot Sauce Recipe Offers?

The Haitian hot sauce recipe presents a symphony of flavor profiles and taste sensations:

  • Spicy: The Scotch bonnets or habaneros provide a pronounced heat that tingles the palate.
  • Tangy: Lime juice introduces a sharp, zesty kick contrasting the spiciness.
  • Savory: The combination of sautéed shallots, onions, and garlic brings a depth of umami flavors.
  • Herbaceous: Fresh thyme leaves add a subtle earthy and aromatic undertone.
  • Sweet: The bell peppers and tomato paste contribute a mild sweetness that balances the overall profile.
  • Salty: Adding salt enhances and ties together all the individual flavors.
  • Rich: Olive oil gives the sauce a smooth, velvety texture and a hint of richness.
Haitian Hot Sauce

Can This Sauce Be Stored And Preserved For Future Use? What Is Its Shelf Life? 

Yes, Haitian hot sauce can be stored and preserved for future use. Once prepared, it’s essential to let the sauce cool to room temperature.

After cooling, transfer the sauce to a clean, airtight container or glass jar. Store it in the refrigerator to maintain freshness.

When stored properly, the sauce generally has a shelf life of up to 10 days in the fridge. However, for prolonged preservation, you might consider adding olive oil on top before sealing, as it acts as a barrier against contaminants.

Always use a clean utensil to prevent introducing bacteria, which ensures your sauce remains safe for consumption.

What Are The Substitutes For Haitian Hot Sauce Recipe?

Substitutes for Haitian hot sauce, while not exact replicas, might capture some of its essence:

  • Pico de Gallo: This fresh salsa has tangy and spicy elements, mirroring Haitian hot sauce characteristics.
  • Chimichurri: Its herbaceous and tangy notes can serve as a close alternative.
  • Pebre: A Chilean sauce with cilantro, garlic, and chili peppers, offering heat and freshness.
  • Ajika: A spicy Georgian paste made of red peppers; it may be helpful to mix it with citrus for a closer resemblance.
  • Rougaille: A spicy tomato-based sauce from Mauritius and Reunion Island.
  • Zhoug: A spicy herb sauce from the Middle East, blending cilantro, garlic, and peppers.
  • Sambal: An Indonesian chili paste; its heat can mimic the spiciness of Haitian hot sauce, yet its texture is different.
Haitian Hot Sauce

How To Adjust The Consistency Of The Sauce? 

Adjusting the consistency of Haitian hot sauce can be straightforward:

Thicker Sauce

  • Reduce: Simmer the sauce longer to evaporate excess liquid, concentrating the flavors.
  • Starch: A small amount of cornstarch or arrowroot powder mixed with water and then added can thicken the sauce.

Thinner Sauce

  • Liquids: Add more lime juice or water to dilute to the desired consistency.
  • Straining: Pass the sauce through a sieve or mesh strainer to remove some solids.

Smooth Consistency

  • Blending: Use a hand or regular blender to puree the sauce until smooth.

Chunky Consistency

  • Less Cooking: Sauté the vegetables just enough to soften them but maintain some bite.

Should We Serve The Sauce Cold Or Warm? 

Whether to serve Haitian hot sauce cold or warm often depends on the dish it accompanies and personal preference.

Serving it cold enhances its refreshing tanginess, making it an excellent choice for grilled meats, seafood, or salads. The cold temperature can also slightly temper the spiciness.

On the other hand, serving the sauce warm can intensify its flavors and aroma, making it an ideal companion for hot dishes like rice, fried plantains, or stews.

Warm sauce might also offer a comforting feel during colder months. My advice? Try to gauge the nature of your main dish and the ambiance of your meal to determine the sauce’s serving temperature.

Haitian Hot Sauce

Nutritional Values

Sos Ti Malice or Haitian hot sauce is a vibrant sauce with varied nutritional components. It is relatively low in calories, with the primary source being olive oil, which provides healthy fats.

The fresh peppers, shallots, and onions contribute essential vitamins and minerals, notably vitamin C and antioxidants. The lime juice adds a dose of citrusy freshness and additional vitamin C.

However, with its salt and spicy peppers, it’s wise to consume in moderation, especially for those monitoring sodium or sensitive to heat.

What Are The Total Calories In Haitian Hot Sauce Recipe? 

Calculating the exact calorie count of a homemade Haitian hot sauce recipe requires a detailed analysis of each ingredient’s quantity and its respective caloric value.

On average, considering the olive oil and other ingredients, a tablespoon might contain approximately 40-60 calories, primarily from the olive oil.

However, this is a general estimate. For a precise calorie count tailored to your specific recipe and ingredient sources, it may be helpful to use a detailed nutritional calculator or app that allows input of exact ingredient amounts.

Dietary Restrictions Of The Haitian Hot Sauce Recipe  

Haitian hot sauce is generally versatile in catering to various dietary restrictions, but here’s a breakdown:

  • Vegan & Vegetarian: The sauce is plant-based, making it suitable for vegans and vegetarians.
  • Gluten-Free: None of the ingredients inherently contain gluten, ensuring it’s safe for those with gluten sensitivities.
  • Paleo & Keto: The primary components are vegetables and olive oil so that it might fit into a Paleo or Keto diet. However, monitor tomato paste for added sugars.
  • Low-Sodium: The recipe includes salt, so those on sodium-restricted diets should adjust accordingly.
  • Nut Allergies: The sauce is nut-free.
  • Nightshade Sensitivity: It contains peppers and tomatoes, which are nightshades, so it’s unsuitable for those with this sensitivity.

Nutrition Table

Nutrition Table

What Are Common Mistakes While Making This Sauce? 

While making Haitian hot sauce, it’s essential to avoid common pitfalls:

  • Overcooking the Vegetables: This can make the sauce mushy and lose the vibrant colors of the peppers.
  • Too Much Heat: Adding too many Scotch bonnets or habaneros without balancing it can overpower the sauce.
  • Insufficient Lime Juice: Not using enough can result in a sauce lacking its characteristic tanginess.
  • Not Tasting as You Go: Failing to adjust seasonings can lead to a bland or overly salty result.
  • Skipping the Sauté: Not sautéing the veggies can compromise the depth of flavor.
  • Using Old Ingredients: Freshness is key. Stale or old ingredients might not provide the desired zest.
  • Storing Improperly: Not refrigerating or using a clean container can reduce shelf life.
  • Not Adjusting to Preference: Some might prefer chunkier or smoother, yet not customizing can lead to disappointment.

What Are Some Creative Uses Of Leftover Sauce? 

Maximize the potential of leftover Haitian hot sauce with these creative uses:

  • Marinade: Use the sauce to marinate chicken, fish, or tofu before grilling or roasting.
  • Stir-Fry: Add it to vegetable or meat stir-fries for a zesty kick.
  • Pasta Toss: Mix pasta, olive oil, and grated cheese for a Caribbean-inspired dish.
  • Sandwich Spread: Enhance sandwiches or wraps by spreading a thin layer.
  • Dressing Base: Mix olive oil and vinegar for a unique salad dressing.
  • Pizza Drizzle: Drizzle over a freshly baked pizza for an extra layer of flavor.
  • Egg Companion: Stir into scrambled eggs or use as a topping for omelets.
  • Baked Goods: Fold into bread or muffin batter for a spicy twist.
Haitian Hot Sauce

Special Tools & Equipment Needed 

For making and storing Haitian hot sauce, having the right tools ensures your process is efficient and the sauce is at its best:

  • Large Pot or Saucepan: Essential for sautéing and simmering the ingredients together.
  • Wooden Spoon: Useful for stirring and ensuring ingredients don’t stick or burn.
  • Sharp Knife & Cutting Board: To finely chop the peppers, onions, shallot, and other ingredients.
  • Measuring Cups & Spoons: For accurate ingredient proportions.
  • Blender or Hand Immersion Blender: If you prefer a smoother consistency.
  • Strainer: Useful if you desire a thinner, more refined texture.
  • Airtight Containers or Glass Jars: For storing the sauce and preserving its freshness.
  • Citrus Squeezer: To efficiently extract fresh lime juice.
  • Heat-Resistant Gloves: To safely handle Scotch bonnets or habaneros, as they can be very spicy.

Frequently Asked Questions 

Why Is It Called “Sos Ti Malice”?

“Sos Ti Malice” translates to “Little Malice Sauce” from Haitian Creole. The name hints at its mischievously spicy kick, drawing from Haitian folklore where “Ti Malice” is a trickster figure.

Can I Use Dried Thyme If I Don’t Have Fresh?

Yes, you can. However, dried thyme is more concentrated. Generally, use a third of the amount specified for fresh thyme.

How Can I Reduce The Spiciness If I’ve Added Too Many Peppers?

Adding lime juice, tomato paste, or a natural sweetener can help balance the spiciness.

Does The Color Of The Bell Peppers Affect The Sauce’s Flavor?

While all bell peppers bring a sweet, mild flavor, red ones are generally sweeter and more mature than green ones. Using different colors might slightly alter the sauce’s sweetness.

Can I Use Other Hot Peppers In Place Of Scotch Bonnets Or Habaneros?

Yes, but each pepper has its unique heat and flavor profile. Adjust the quantity based on your desired heat level and the pepper’s Scoville rating.

Haitian Hot Sauce Recipe – Tropical Flavor Boost

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Course: Hot Sauces


Prep time


Cooking time




Ferment/Rest Time



Sos Ti Malice or Haitian hot sauce is a tantalizing Haitian sauce blending the heat of Scotch bonnets with the zest of lime juice, complemented by sautéed bell peppers, onions, and shallot. Enhanced with garlic, thyme, and tomato paste, this vibrant condiment offers a balance of spicy and tangy flavors, making it a versatile accompaniment for various dishes. Enjoy it warm or cold!


  • ½ cup ½ Olive Oil

  • 2, 2, Fresh Scotch Bonnets or Habaneros (stemmed &chopped)

  • 1, 1, Red Bell Pepper (medium, chopped)

  • 1, 1, Green Bell Pepper (medium, chopped)

  • 1, 1, Shallot (chopped)

  • 1, 1, White Onion (chopped)

  • 3, 3, Garlic Cloves (peeled)

  • 3 3 Fresh Thyme (sprigs, stems removed)

  • 1 cup 1 Lime Juice

  • 3 tablespoons 3 Tomato Paste

  • 1 teaspoon 1 Salt

Step-By-Step Directions

  • Place a large pot or saucepan over medium heat.
  • Pour in the olive oil.
  • Add the pot of chopped Scotch bonnets or habaneros, red bell pepper, green bell pepper, shallot, white onion, garlic cloves, and thyme leaves.
  • Sauté the mixture for about 5 minutes or until the vegetables soften.
  • Pour in the lime juice.
  • Add the tomato paste and salt to the pot.
  • Mix well until all ingredients are combined.
  • Bring the mixture to a gentle simmer.
  • Once simmering, turn off the heat.
  • Allow the sauce to cool to room temperature.
  • Once cooled, transfer to an airtight container or glass jar.
  • Store in the refrigerator for up to 10 days.
  • Serve the sauce, either warm or cold, as desired.

Recipe Video


  • If you prefer a milder heat, reduce the number of Scotch bonnets or remove their seeds.
  • Fresh lime juice is key; avoid bottled varieties for the best flavor.
  • If you desire a smoother texture, blend the sauce after cooling.
  • Always wear gloves when handling hot peppers to prevent skin irritation.
  • The sauce’s flavor intensifies over time; using it a day after preparation might enhance its taste.
  • Store in a cool, dark place if not refrigerating immediately.
  • Pair with dishes that can complement its tangy-spicy profile.

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